While cognitive enhancement supplements such as Piracetam and Noopepts have been clinically shown to boost mental performance, some people prefer taking the DIY route themselves. This community, known as “brain hacking,” features an active online forum where members share tips and tricks for using nootropic ingredients for optimal cognitive and mood support. Some popular nootropic ingredients include L-Theanine which has been shown to reduce caffeine’s jittery side effects while promoting calm focus; as well as antioxidant powerhouse Resveratrol which promotes blood flow to increase cognition while improving cognition while increasing focus.

Many natural ingredients have been independently shown to have cognitive-enhancing benefits and are safe for most healthy adults in scientifically supported doses. Furthermore, these ingredients often work synergistically together; for instance, when resveratrol improves choline’s effectiveness which in turn helps boost levels of Acetylcholine and memory performance.

No matter their increasing popularity, it’s essential to remember that supplements don’t undergo the same rigorous safety testing as prescription drugs. While nootropic coffees may claim they treat certain conditions such as Alzheimer’s, without FDA approval such claims cannot be made.

To reduce risk, it’s wise to consult a health care practitioner when adding supplements to your routine and use an app like Nootralize that reviews evidence for human efficacy of each ingredient. Nootralize can assist you in finding the ideal combination of ingredients by searching specific outcomes and suggesting those with high-quality human placebo-controlled studies as potential options.