Is One Cup of Coffee a Day Healthy?
Coffee enthusiasts should take heart that, provided their consumption does not exceed four or five cups per day, nothing should cause concern. Indeed, research indicates that regularly indulging in caffeine could provide numerous health advantages; from decreasing heart disease risk and helping prolong life.
Coffee contains numerous powerful compounds, such as antioxidants that fight inflammation and chronic diseases. While its reputation may cause heartburn, high-quality studies show that coffee consumption does not harm our health and may even enhance mental performance.
One of the many benefits of drinking coffee is its rich source of soluble fiber, which supports gut health and can help lower cholesterol. Furthermore, coffee acts as food for friendly bacteria living within our digestive tract known as our gut microbiome and provides fuel to grow and thrive.
As well as its heart-healthy benefits, coffee may also increase the size and diversity of our gut microbiome, according to research published in PLOS Medicine. Furthermore, coffee is one of the largest sources of antioxidants in our diets; studies show it may protect against cognitive decline, Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes as well as Alzheimer’s.
Studies have confirmed that people who drink moderate quantities of coffee tend to be at lower risk of cardiovascular disease mortality; studies also indicate this lower risk is seen whether coffee is consumed first thing in the morning or later on during the day. But now a new study published in European Heart Journal suggests that time of day could play an integral part in mitigating risk and prolonging longevity.
Researchers analyzed the dietary habits of 40,725 adults and found that those who consumed two or three cups of coffee early in the day were more likely to live longer than those who didn’t drink any or only drank a single cup later. Scientists believe this phenomenon may be caused by how caffeine reacts with our bodies; early morning coffee drinking helps balance our circadian rhythms which in turn regulate hormone levels which, in turn, influence sleep quality, blood pressure, cholesterol and more.
Studies have linked moderate coffee intake with reduced risk for serious illnesses like depression, liver disease and kidney stones – as well as reduced suicide and Parkinson’s risk – including depression, liver disease and kidney stones as well as Parkinson’s. Some medical conditions can make you sensitive to caffeine consumption; therefore it is wise to speak to your physician regarding safe coffee consumption if any medical problems exist in your life.