Is Organic Coffee Always Fair Trade?
Coffee is made from the roasted seeds of the Coffea arabica plant, which grows throughout many countries across the globe and can be traded between large multinational corporations and local farmers. How the beans are treated and harvested determines whether or not they qualify as fair trade certified coffee – this certification guarantees that all involved with growing, processing and roasting receive an agreed upon minimum price without being exploited in any way.
Fair trade companies must abide by specific social guidelines, including supporting small producers and non-discrimination against women. Furthermore, these businesses must promote environmental sustainability and offer financial benefits to communities they work with. Although following such guidelines can make life better for people involved with coffee production and trading, it alone will not change its status quo; we need to reshape how we buy and consume coffee so more of our dollars go directly back into supporting those who grow it!
Many consumers believe that purchasing organic and fair trade coffee is beneficial, yet much needs to be done to improve this industry. With 7.8 Billion people on earth needing food in order to survive, finding ways to feed all these people without negatively affecting the environment or harming any fellow humans must become our goal if only fair trade and organic products are considered as solutions.
Conventional farms use chemicals in the production of their coffee, spraying their plants with pesticides to deter insects, and applying fertilizers to increase plant size. Unfortunately, this leaves soil that’s saturated with chemicals resulting in inferior coffee quality. Organic farms employ natural ways of repelling insects while encouraging healthy soil. Furthermore, organic methods reduce chemical additives to limit any adverse side effects in final product.
Both fair trade and organic certifications offer benefits, yet for maximum impact it’s best to combine both into a solution. When purchasing coffee that carries both Fair Trade and Organic certifications you are getting the best of both worlds!
Equal Exchange stands out as an excellent company that strives to promote sustainable and equitable coffee production practices, offering fair trade and organic blends and single origin coffees from small-scale farmers and cooperatives around the globe. Their products can be found in most grocery stores and online retailers worldwide – visit their website to discover more of their mission and the coffee they sell!