Coffee is one of the world’s most beloved beverages, so a common concern among those with histamine intolerance is whether coffee contains high levels of histamine. Although histamine levels in coffee beans themselves are relatively low, caffeine’s presence may prevent histamine-degrading enzymes from working effectively resulting in build-ups of histamines that cause symptoms. That’s why choosing histamine-friendly brands such as Purity Coffee may be best.

Coffee beans start as tiny red fruits on the Coffea canephora plant. Once harvested, their seeds undergo fermentation process known as malolactic fermentation which raises histamine levels significantly which persist even when roasting, grinding and brewing into your morning cup of joe.

Caffeine may interfere with diamine oxidase (DAO), the enzyme responsible for breaking down histamines in your body. This can lead to histamine build-up and an intolerance reaction – thus it’s best to stay away from both conventionally brewed and instant coffee beverages.

Histamine is an organic compound produced naturally in our bodies that plays an essential role in fighting infections and regulating blood pressure, among many other crucial tasks. Although histamine can be useful in small doses, too much may cause unpleasant side effects such as bloating, headaches and fatigue. Histamine intolerance occurs when mast cells overexcite too rapidly releasing histamine; this could be caused by infections, stress levels, extreme temperatures or hormonal imbalances among other triggers.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is an autoimmunity condition which may cause histamine intolerance symptoms like itching, fatigue and abdominal pain. MCAS can be brought on by environmental toxins, hormones or genetic mutations which interfere with mast cell functionality, leading to mast cells becoming dysfunctional and thus producing symptoms similar to those experienced during an allergic reaction.

MCAS may be caused by medications like corticosteroids; other likely triggers include dairy products, processed meats and fish products.

Coffee is not the only beverage to increase histamine levels in your body, but it is one of the more frequently encountered sources. Poor-quality coffee may contain harmful toxins such as mold spores and pesticides – for optimal histamine tolerance choose organic and fresh coffee products.

Histamine-friendly beverages such as green tea, matcha and yerba mate can provide energy without raising histamine levels; try sweetening coffee with either stevia or monk fruit extract instead for optimal results. Keep histamine levels under control while still enjoying your coffee by sipping on herbal tea or taking dandelion root supplements, which have antihistamine properties. If the symptoms become bothersome, discontinuing coffee altogether might be necessary; other solutions include herbal tea and dandelion root which have antihistamine effects. Chicory root contains antioxidant, antiviral and analgesic properties as well as helping reduce histamine levels in your liver – it may even help lower them! Be mindful of how it reacts with your body before making a final determination whether it’s suitable for you.