Coffee is a staple in many diets, yet its sugar and caloric intake is often excessive. These ingredients may lead to higher blood pressure and an increased risk of diabetes; fortunately there are ways of making your cup healthier; simply ditching sugary drinks like milk in favor of low-cal cold brew, adding flavor with honey will still provide all of its health benefits!

Coffee beans contain more than just caffeine to enhance brain function and enhance mood; they also boast an abundance of antioxidants that may help to reduce inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity and accelerate metabolism; they also inhibit gut absorption of fats as well as block receptors involved in abnormal heart rhythms. As such, their antioxidants could protect against cancers including colorectal, liver and skin cancer.

Studies have linked drinking black coffee with lower risks of heart failure and strokes, possibly because its caffeine helps combat oxidative stress – one of the main contributors to heart disease – while acting as a diuretic to increase urination rates and flush away toxins from your system.

Researchers have recently demonstrated that each additional cup of coffee consumed weekly reduces the likelihood of heart attack by 7 percent. Furthermore, black coffee’s compounds have also been known to prevent liver cirrhosis and lower triglycerides levels in blood.

Drinking coffee before working out can dramatically boost muscle growth and accelerate recovery after exercise. Caffeine provides an instantaneous energy boost that aids muscle absorption of nutrients and repairs of damage, but be wary not to consume too much as too much caffeine may disrupt sleep and cause irritability.

Caffeine in black coffee can be an extremely potent stimulant, leading to increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Therefore, it’s essential that coffee be enjoyed moderately and never on an empty stomach.

No matter your preferred way of drinking coffee, it is best to stick to the basics when it comes to your morning cup. Sugar and creamers add unnecessary calories and fat that could contribute to an overindulged morning beverage. Simply making black coffee may be all it takes to reap its benefits; perhaps even you’ll prefer its taste! Plus, any fewer extra calories you take in means faster weight loss. Alongside making healthy lifestyle decisions, having an affordable individual health policy is also an excellent way of protecting against rising healthcare costs. Learn more about our plans today!