Ganoderma lucidum, more commonly known by its Japanese names “red reishi” or “Ling Zhi,” is an adaptogenic mushroom used since ancient Chinese times to help strengthen your immune system’s response to stress, as well as increase energy levels and maintain emotional equilibrium. Used against fatigue and anxiety since then, its use may also boost liver health, lower cholesterol and slow the signs of aging.

Reishi has anti-inflammatory properties that may help relieve chronic fatigue, while its beta-glucans may slow tumor growth (though more research needs to be conducted). Reishi may also boost natural killer cell activity which target abnormal cells like cancerous ones.

If you’re adding reishi coffee to your routine, take note of its caffeine content – many mushroom blends contain more than 95 milligrams per eight-ounce serving! While this might not pose any problems for most individuals, those sensitive to stimulants such as caffeine may wish to limit their consumption.

When selecting a reishi coffee, look for one which uses instant coffee and powdered reishi rather than brewed reishi or dried mushrooms strained from their own liquid. Furthermore, those using fruiting body of the reishi plant (rather than mycelium) usually contain higher levels of polysaccharides and glycoproteins for an even stronger and more potent blend.