Coffee contains natural acids which may exacerbate stomach-related ailments such as acid reflux and heartburn. Espresso and cold brew coffees contain less acid due to shorter brewing processes, thus providing relief.

Chlorogenic acids and quinic acids are two major sources of acidity in coffee beans. Harvesting and growing methods may result in lower acid coffees from certain countries or regions.


Coffee has long been enjoyed by millions of people worldwide and ranks third after water and tea as an all-time beverage favorite. Coffee contains antioxidants which may improve cardiovascular and brain health while providing acid reflux sufferers with some relief, thanks to its lower acid level. There are various brands offering low acid coffee varieties; some combining ingredients such as matcha green tea with red berries while others simply source beans naturally low in acids.

Acid content of coffee depends on a range of factors, from its roasting method and where its beans come from to roast type and roast color; drum roasting tends to increase acid levels due to direct contact between steel drum and coffee beans; on the contrary, hot air convection roasting reduces them as the coffee does not come into direct contact with beans directly. Roast color also has an impact; darker roasted coffees often have lower acidity than lighter ones.

Location can have a major influence on acid levels of coffee beans; certain countries and regions produce lower acidity beans than others, with Brazil and Sumatra offering some of the lowest acidity beans on the market. If you want a coffee that’s easier on your stomach, look for beans from these countries or regions.

Though there are no government standards to define low acid coffees, several roasters are striving to develop products with reduced acidity than average. Some use cold brewing processes to lower acidity while retaining other desirable qualities like body and balance; others employ specific roasting techniques designed to manipulate acidity known as creating roast profiles.

Alternative approaches for lowering acid in coffee include adding dairy products, which have a neutralizing effect. Unfortunately, however, not everyone can tolerate milk’s addition due to stomach issues or it being associated with carboxylic acid-5-hydroxytryptamide levels that cause heartburn and digestive problems.


Acidity is an integral component of coffee’s taste profile and should never be reduced or removed. While some brands claim to reduce acidity by adding stomach-soothing powders, this should never be done as this could alter both its flavour profile as well as potentially cause acid reflux in those susceptible. If you want low acidity coffees without artificial additives then choose from lower altitude regions and roast it medium dark or darker without adding artificial flavoring agents or flavor enhancers such as fruit juice concentrate.


Those interested in their health will likely have heard the term “alkalinity” repeated often as it’s essential in maintaining balance in an often acidic world.

Alkalinity refers to a solution’s ability to neutralize hydrogen ions H+ from acids, measured using either titration or pH electrode. The higher its level of alkalinity is, the more neutral its character.

Natural water supplies contain some alkalinity due to bicarbonate ions that effectively neutralize acids. Larger levels can be found in systems which have undergone lime soda treatment.

Comparative to acidic substances, which have a pH below 7, alkaline substances have higher concentrations of hydroxide ions (OH-) relative to hydrogen ions; such products as baking soda, soap and bleach fall within this category.

Titration of water is an invaluable way to understand acidity levels as it allows one to detect changes that have taken place within a system, especially with regard to drinking water where low alkalinity could result in corrosion in distribution lines or leaching of metals into its supply.

Tyler’s Coffee offers an assortment of low acidity products for you to select. Try our K-Cups which feature less than one gram of acid per serving, or opt for our cold brew that has even lower acidity levels!

Coffees with low acidity tend to have more cocoa and nutty notes than their acidic counterparts, as well as thicker bodies and an aftertaste reminiscent of molasses or maple syrup. If you have sensitive stomachs, selecting coffee with lower acidity levels may help ensure a gentle digestive experience. Our low acid coffees offer you this opportunity; with our proprietary Z-Roasting process ensuring beans are cooked at just the right temperature to create flavorful cups that are both low in acidity and gentle on stomach irritation!

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can be a painful and discomforting condition that affects the esophagus, leading to heartburn and burning sensations in your throat and chest. Left untreated, it could eventually damage tissue within the esophagus. There are various strategies you can employ if you suffer from acid reflux to lessen its symptoms such as eating smaller meals more frequently, not lying down immediately after meals, losing weight and taking stronger medications such as H2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors prescribed by your physician.

Even those suffering from acid reflux don’t need to give up coffee completely; there are low acid varieties available which can still be enjoyed by those with sensitive stomachs. Roasting plays an integral role here, with darker-roasted beans more likely being less acidic as their compounds that induce stomach acid are broken down during roasting.

Consideration should also be given to how much caffeine you wish to consume when selecting low acid coffee, particularly decaf versions which still contain substantial amounts. Opting for one without caffeine altogether would be ideal, although you could experiment with various amounts and see how your stomach reacts.

Matcha tea, yerba mate and kombucha are other popular alternatives to acidic coffee drinks that may help lessen acidity levels in sensitive stomachs. All three beverages use cold water brewing techniques which limit extraction of oils from coffee grounds as the coffee grounds do not produce hot enough temperatures to do this themselves – thus making their flavors milder and more appealing than regular coffee beverages.

When searching for low acid coffee, it is essential to read labels carefully. Some brands may claim they are acid-free; however, this could be misleading as acids naturally occur within coffee beans and eliminating all of them may alter its flavor significantly. Instead, look for one with lower acidity than usual that contains high quality ingredients.