Coffee consumption can have an immense effect on your health, not just from an intake standpoint but from many others as well. Not only should you consider its source, roasting method and potential presence of toxic agents like mycotoxins or heavy metals but also pesticide residues present. Therefore it is imperative that non-toxic coffee comes from companies which prioritize quality control and transparency with third party lab testing for mycotoxins, heavy metals or pesticide residues present.

Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal found naturally in small quantities; however, industrial use has greatly increased this exposure through paints, metal coatings and batteries, polluting soil and eventually increasing your exposure to it. Cadmium’s effects include organ system toxicity that could adversely impact kidneys, liver and central nervous systems.

Mycotoxins, formed from mold that grows on green coffee beans before harvest, pose another significant danger to human health, posing hormone disruption, neurological complications and cancer risks. Unfortunately, conventional coffee beans contain mycotoxins while organic beans could also contain mycotoxins if grown and processed incorrectly.

Roasting can help lower mycotoxin levels in coffee, but it won’t completely remove them. To ensure mycotoxin-free products, it is wise to select organic products from companies who prioritize quality control and publish test results publicly.

Are There Organic Coffee Options Without Lead and Cadmium?

Lead and cadmium are heavy metals commonly found in soil where coffee beans grow. Once ingested by humans, these elements may then transfer through to their bean counterparts when consumed as food (Silva, Vitti & Trevizam 2010). Overexposure can cause serious health concerns including neurotoxicity, renal damage and bone density loss (Silva et al, 2010).

Research published in the British Journal of Nutrition has demonstrated that organic crops produce significantly fewer metals in coffee compared with non-organic. If you want to take it a step further, look for Demeter certified biodynamic coffee. This original regenerative certification requires farms to work with nature rather than against it to cultivate healthy soils that boast beneficial microbes that reduce chemical herbicides, pesticides or fungicides use.

So, is there organic coffee without sulfates or cadmium? Yes – but only when purchased from brands certified Demeter biodynamic. Biodynamic farming practices aim to be ecological and regenerative, drawing carbon back into the soil while decreasing pesticide, herbicide and fungicide use as well as protecting you against accumulations of sulfates and cadmium in your body.