is two cups of coffee a day healthy

Coffee enthusiasts should take heart from this news: two cups a day may boost your health. A new study shows that drinking coffee may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes and melanoma as well as provide protection for brain and liver, according to one research group. Furthermore, coffee contains over 100 nutritious plant compounds which relieve oxidative stress, inflammation, boost insulin sensitivity, and regulate blood sugar levels – not to mention its other healthful properties!

Researchers employed data from the UK Biobank, which collected urine and blood samples along with health information on hundreds of thousands of adults across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland between 2006 and 2010, to conduct their study. People who regularly consumed more than two cups of coffee daily were compared with those who never consumed coffee altogether, and it was found that those who regularly indulged had a 10-15% reduced risk for coronary heart disease, heart failure or abnormal rhythms; and were 20-25% less likely to die of any cause compared with those who abstained from drinking altogether.

Even though caffeine consumption is generally safe, experts behind a recent study advise that its consumption be limited to 400 mg daily–roughly equivalent to four 8-ounce cups of coffee. This limit should especially apply if pregnant or breastfeeding, have certain underlying medical conditions, are too young or sensitive to stimulants (including caffeine).

Coffee has long been touted for its health benefits, with one widely reported one being its ability to reduce risk of heart disease – one of the top killers worldwide. Coffee’s natural caffeine and antioxidants help maintain flexible arteries by keeping the lining smooth and flexible; this in turn prevents atherosclerosis or build-up of fatty deposits along artery walls.

Studies citing coffee’s beneficial effect on heart health are numerous. One, published by Stroke journal, examined data collected through the Framingham Heart Study since the 1940s; its participants have tracked eating habits and cardiovascular wellbeing since then, with every cup of coffee consumed daily reducing heart failure risk by 7-8% as well as stroke and coronary artery disease risk by up to 8 percent.

Coffee’s natural compounds also offer heart benefits, helping prevent arrhythmias and improving health for those suffering from atrial fibrillation – a rapid heart rhythm disorder. According to one study of 24,111 adults living with atrial fibrillation who consumed coffee had an 18 percent reduced chance of dying of any cause compared with non-coffee drinkers.

Coffee may help lower your risk of basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer. A 2012 study conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School tracked 112,897 men and women over 20 years; those who consumed three or more cups daily experienced 22% lower risk than those who didn’t drink coffee at all.