Organo Gold products carry higher costs, solely because the company closely oversees every step in production. Ganoderma lucidum– a difficult plant to cultivate–has witnessed exponentially increasing global demand since 2010.

Hongo, commonly referred to in China as Lingzhi, enhances beverages. Now it has been established that an effective focus can be obtained using small uniform amounts of gold particles combined with alcanolamida for maximum benefit.

Product Description

With Organo Gold is a global real estate firm offering health products such as gourmet coffee, tea, green juice, vitamins, jabons and delicous pastes and masks that help improve lives for their users. Their goal is to help all living things have better lives.

Since 2008, OG has focused on its mission of sharing Earth’s riches with all people through Ganoderma-infused coffee shops and its range of products. Utilizing a global distribution system for these offerings, this organization also holds an alliance with Fundacion Napoleon Hill.

Cafe Latte Organo(tm) is an irresistibly delicious blend of robust Arabica coffee blended with organic Ganoderma and delicious sweet and cream ingredients to produce an irresistibly fresh cafe latte experience. This product’s style allows anyone from anywhere around the world to take pleasure from it; transporting is convenient.

Tea from TG and green juice both use natural ingredients in their production, so both products have superior quality while green tea can even provide greater health benefits than standard coffee drinks.

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Ingredients that transition to gold have an impressively positive impact on health and development, helping patients reach happier lives by replacing diet comfortably, using nutritional products, and producing work.

Organo Gold, a gourmet premium coffee company, entered into the filter category with the launch of BrewKupTM, their inaugural product approved and added by former world #1 golfer and businessman Greg Norman. This new addition to OG’s product lineup embodies their global culture – diversity, convenience and simplicity – seamlessly.

Bernardo Chua of Filipina business fame founded OG in 2008 to offer curative coffee and the opportunity of amassing wealth via distributor recruitment. Now available globally, OG works towards its mission “Bringing Earth’s Treasures to People” via nutritional products and modules.

Dr. Shi-Jean Lee of Ming Dynasty fame strongly recommended taking Ganoderma Lucidum regularly as part of their routine health regimen, noting that its long-term consumption would help build strong and healthy bodies as well as ensure longer lives. According to him, its regular ingestion ensured longevity in one way or another.

In March 2014, the European Competition and Market Authority, in coordination with its Antimonopolistic Vigilance Group, investigated multiple-nil company fraud allegations, issuing fines totalling 250,000 euros each to Organo Gold Europe and two other firms operating within that sector. Research of Organo Gold focused on its pyramid-style business structure which required newcomers to pay an income contribution prior to infiltrating. Multinivel market activities can be seen as fraudulent and have no justification in direct consumer trade markets, thus undermining its credibility as one of the primary actors. Consumption direct trade markets in Italy are regulated by Law No 173, entitled “Disciplina de venta directa de viviendas”.

Side Effects

Organo Gold’s products are selected by independent distributors who do not owe accounts with the Department of Hacienda nor pay taxes, unlike multilevel marketing cults which were established by Filipino businessman Bernardo Chua in 2008 with promises of curative coffee and the opportunity for making it rich.

Its operation and ownership is minority owned, taking advantage of direct global sales to bring its miraculous products directly to consumers for greater entrepreneurship in today’s new global era. These miraculous products include beverages, nutraceuticals and personal health care aids made using Ganoderma Lucidum fungus which has long been recognized for its healing properties.

Organic green and red tea that includes Ganoderma is now being widely sold as a premium health product around the globe, awakening more and more people to its delicious taste and benefits compared with regular and light refreshments.

Independent distributors regularly host conferences in various parts of the world to recruit new distributors. Establishing your trade with EGX Fenix y Organo Gold could prove extremely rewarding!

Greg Norman serves as global spokesperson for Organo Gold coffee gourmet company and its parent company Great White Shark Enterprises has formed a worldwide partnership between them and this gourmet coffee supplier. Norman assists distributors to expand and grow their networks as they attempt to reach local communities with Organo Gold products.

Organo Gold’s green tea contains Ganoderma lucidia spore powder for making exquisite blends. Organo Gold’s red tea also includes Ganoderma, helping tea producers maximize yields. Now, you have everything necessary to take control of your life thanks to collaboration between company, independent distributors, brands and clients as well as hard work from dedicated staff; an astounding success story that proves hard work can pay off big time! With every effort of hard working individuals you could see massive returns!


Organo Gold products contain extracts of Ganoderma lucidum, an oriental plant widely spread over many millennia. Commonly referred to as Reishi (Japan) or China Lingzhi in China, Ganoderma lucidum has long been utilized by traditional practitioners to treat numerous ailments and improve overall health conditions.

Organo Gold products have been validated through university studies as being natural, free from drugs and harmless to any individual. Reishi contains various aminoacidos and nutrients which contribute to improving quality of sleep as well as cardiovascular, cardiac speed and rhythm issues as well as potential mental health concerns.

Reishi mushroom extract is abundant with antioxidants, amino acids and triterpenes. Studies have demonstrated its effectiveness at helping to decrease liver fibrosis and heart disease symptoms; prevent vascular closure and increase overall health benefits. Reishi helps patients suffering from liver ailments.

Organo Gold representatives and independent distributors host conferences around the globe to recruit distributors. At each of these gatherings, each representative and distributor presents his or her business.

Organo Gold’s company is registered with the State Department, while its independent distributors do not register as merchants and do not pay taxes on what they generate in business.

Organo Gold products are available globally and it’s easy and rewarding to start your own business with them. All that’s necessary for participation is purchasing a business kit, complete with one year of back office support and replication website access, plus seven ways of earning money through incentives and benefits along the distribution chain. Organo Gold has been on the market for approximately 10 years, experiencing exponential revenue growth within that short time. No longer producing Reishi in an industrial scale environment, and their global product demand continues to soar steadily and regularly.