Addition of ginger and lemon can enhance the experience while simultaneously covering the taste of mushrooms.

Mushroom tea offers an easy and efficient method for taking psilocybin, potentially shortening trip duration and providing for an easier recovery period for users.

How to Make Mushroom Tea

Lemon mushroom tea, commonly referred to as the Lemon Tek, is one of the easiest and simplest ways of preparing magic mushrooms. To do this, grind dried mushrooms as finely as possible before soaking them in lemon juice for fifteen minutes before drinking the mixture. It’s quick, effective, requires no heat since psilocybin can be destroyed by high temperatures, and has even been reported as relieving nausea for many psychonauts – making the Lemon Tek an increasingly popular method.

Mushroom tea is not only delicious and therapeutic; it contains high concentrations of antioxidants. Drinking one or more cups daily of mushroom tea is recommended to reap these benefits and to take full advantage of all their advantages. This beverage may help improve heart health, reduce cancer risks and increase immunity as well as promote cognitive functions and deepen meditation experiences. To take full advantage of these advantages, a cup should be enjoyed each day.

Mushroom tea not only offers health benefits, but its taste is quite pleasurable when combined with an herbal base tea such as chamomile, exotic hibiscus or traditional green. To enhance its experience further, add cinnamon or honey as sweeteners for an additional sweet note.

Though we recommend following our recipes for tea making, feel free to experiment with various combinations of herbs and spices until you discover one that suits you personally. Just remember that as your mixture becomes weaker over time, its strength may decrease accordingly.

Start off right by trying our high-quality mushroom powder mixes like Lion’s Mane Matcha or Berry Brain – they come packed with naturally caffeine-free ingredients for an exquisite, caffeine-free tea that makes an excellent accompaniment for morning meditation. Additionally, our Reishi Tea features whole, raw Reishi mushrooms blended with hibiscus, ginger, chamomile and green tea; or try our Elixir Sticks which provide portable mushroom tea enjoyment on-the-go; these come pre-made and ready to steep; while our mushroom powder mixes offer similar simplicity.


Mushroom tea is an herbal infusion that allows various nutrients to combine with psilocybin extracts in a flavorful mind-opening beverage. Not only is mushroom tea convenient and easy to consume psychoactive mushrooms without chewing and swallowing whole pieces, it can be tailored specifically to suit your mood with many different varieties available on the market today.

No matter which mushroom tea variety is your go-to, here are a few essential items that can help ensure an unforgettable experience:

Ginger Root: This spice contains phytochemicals gingerol and shogaol that interact with serotonergic receptors in the brain to reduce nausea. You can add ginger root to any psilocybin preparation recipe to provide additional nausea relief.

Lemon: Lemons contain citric acid, creating an acidic environment in which psilocybin dissolves more rapidly and more intensely, potentially speeding up and intensifying trips.

Psilocybin: Psilocybin is the chemical responsible for producing psychedelic effects and can be extracted from magic mushrooms or truffles. For an optimal experience, a tea blend containing mushroom lion’s mane has been shown to boost cognitive functions and memory retention.

Mushroom tea can be made using any number of herbs and spices to suit your mood. Some people enjoy adding soothing chamomile to their mushroom tea to further promote relaxation and reduce anxiety; others may prefer adding honey or sugar for sweetness to help balance out its earthy taste.

Some people enjoy adding lemon juice to their psilocybin tea for an enhanced experience, known as lemon tek. This technique increases potency and speed of their experience while masking any taste that users dislike from mushrooms; you can take this in one shot or mix it into other tea types for less intense trips. Lemon tek has also been found to significantly decrease nausea side effects that many sufferers of psilocybin experience – an attractive solution if nausea is an issue for you!


Lemon mushroom tea is an effective and digestible way to take advantage of magical mushrooms. This helps eliminate the earthy cardboard taste many users of raw magic mushrooms experience and provides for an overall more pleasant experience without feeling sick after indulging. Furthermore, preparing magical mushrooms as tea enhances their medicinal benefits by allowing for precise dosage control.

In this recipe, combining Cordyceps militaris, lion’s mane, reishi and lemon peel into a tea is ideal for supporting energy, endurance and cognitive enhancement. Experimentation may also prove successful; you could also include herbs like chamomile, licorice root, orange peel or honey to improve flavor further and make drinking it more pleasurable.

Before using mushroom tea, it is recommended that dried mushrooms be ground up into a fine powder using either a coffee grinder or mortar and pestle, and then weighted using an accurate scale to ensure you receive an exact dosage. Once ground, mix them with lemon juice and allow it to sit for at least 20 minutes; this allows psilocybin to convert to its active counterpart psilocin in your stomach more rapidly.

Erowid users who specialize in magic mushroom use have adopted what’s referred to as the Lemon Tek method to enhance the quality of their experiences. Although its scientific validity remains undetermined, users report decreased nausea and faster effects with this preparation technique.

This tea can be enjoyed both alone or as the base for other herbal remedies that you have on hand, like reishi to reduce stress and boost white blood cell production. Furthermore, its preparation process also serves as an opportunity to focus on mindfulness exercises that bring your attention back into the present and help get in tune with its effects – many users report that this form of meditation is far more effective than taking mushrooms directly.


Mushrooms spoil quickly at room temperature, so proper storage is key for their preservation. Desiccant packs or oven dried rice can help reduce spoilage rates; while placing mushrooms in the refrigerator can extend their lifespan and slow the rate of decay.

Another option for storing mushrooms is freezing them, particularly beneficial when it comes to psilocybin mushrooms which must maintain their potency for consumption. Mushrooms will remain fresh even after several months in storage and will still be usable after being frozen.

One of the most effective ways of consuming psilocybin mushrooms is through drinking mushroom tea, as this method reduces stomachaches and nausea more effectively due to lemon juice’s acidity helping pre-digest mushrooms by breaking down their tough chitin walls which are difficult for human bodies to process.

Preparing mushrooms as tea is an efficient and simple way to consume them. Simply grind up mushrooms into a fine powder and combine them with lemon juice in a glass. As soon as the mushrooms absorb some of this juice, their psychoactive chemicals are released and you can enjoy your drink sweetened with honey or other sugar substitutes if desired.

Mushroom tea can be enjoyed any time of the day and at any age, whether alone or mixed with other beverages. Lemon can enhance both its flavor and potency while mitigating some earthy cardboardy tastes of certain psychedelic mushrooms. Furthermore, lemon enhances social connections while heightening sensory experiences by making colors appear brighter and sounds audible more strongly.

Lemon Tek is an easy and effective method for preparing psilocybin mushrooms that can lead to more intense and shorter trips. Lemon juice’s acid helps quickly break down chitin walls of mushrooms so the psilocybin can be quickly absorbed by your body; this may also contribute to an easier comedown as the psilocybin enters your bloodstream gradually rather than hitting all at once.