Lingzhi mushroom tea is an enjoyable way to experience all of its many health benefits. Packed full of polysaccharides that support immunity and fight cancer, as well as energy-boosting polysaccharides that boost energy levels and enhance sleep cycles, this versatile fungus offers numerous health advantages that are simply delicious!

Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms, commonly referred to as Lingzhi mushrooms, have long been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine as one of the best natural treatments to promote health and extend lifespan.

It is a natural anti-inflammatory

Mushroom polyphenols’ antioxidant properties help scavenge free radicals, reduce oxidative stress and protect against chronic diseases. Furthermore, mushrooms contain glutathione – an essential trace element that disarms harmful free radicals responsible for oxidative damage.

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) is one of the most revered medicinal mushrooms, often referred to as the “mushroom of immortality.” As an adaptogenic herb, Reishi helps combat fatigue, stress, immune system function improvement and sleep health as well as supporting healthy patterns for better sleep patterns and liver health.

Reishi can be found both as tea and as supplements. When choosing Reishi products, Kimszal recommends selecting high-quality organic ones in order to receive maximum mushroom benefits. He suggests selecting mushroom powder that has undergone enough processing in order to soften chitin within cells for easier digestion while still preserving beneficial compounds that promote health benefits.

Cordyceps is another potent medicinal mushroom, growing parasitically on caterpillar larvae in nature and containing bioactive compounds like cordycepin that may help promote energy and stamina. Our Citrusceps blend combines earthy notes from Cordyceps with roasty, toasted rice green tea (genmaicha) and lemon peel – providing an exquisite combination of umami, energy, and detoxification!

It is a natural anti-oxidant

Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms, commonly referred to as Lingzhi mushrooms, are adaptogens which help your body manage physical, chemical and biological stressors. Used extensively in Chinese medicine for centuries to treat various illnesses – cancer and heart disease being among them – these lingzhi mushrooms also boast powerful antioxidant properties which protect cells against oxidative damage while strengthening your immune system.

Lingzhi mushroom tea is an effective way to experience all of its healthful benefits, which include increasing white blood cell counts and improving circulation as well as lowering blood pressure. Furthermore, this adaptogen contains selenium which plays an essential role in immunity as well as contributing to healthy cell functions and overall wellness.

Lingzhi mushroom tea is prepared using dried fungi of the same name, known for their powerful natural anti-oxidant and immune stimulating effects. It contains polysaccharides known to increase immune response and protect against chronic illnesses; experts advise drinking 2-3 cups a day as part of an overall wellness regime; additionally it has proven its worth as relieving rheumatism symptoms, lowering cholesterol, helping diabetic patients lower blood sugar levels, as well as having anti-tumor and antiviral properties.

It is a natural anti-bacterial

Lingzhi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum), often dubbed the “mushroom of immortality”, has long been venerated in Asia as a powerful adaptogenic remedy that improves immune function, enhances liver and pancreas functions, lowers blood pressure, reduces pain from rheumatic arthritis, helps clear coughs quickly, stimulates white blood cell level growth, boosts lung condition significantly, boosts heart strength, strengthens lung capacity, promote sleep quality and treat various other conditions effectively.

Mushroom tea is an easy and delicious way to incorporate functional adaptogenic mushrooms into your diet. Simply infuse hot water with mushrooms for an infusion beverage that you can consume either alone or combined with natural extracts and herbs from various natural sources. Enjoy it plain or mix it up for maximum benefit.

On the market today there are various varieties of mushroom tea available, but the highest-grade powder versions are easily mixed into hot water for optimal use. Formulated at 71 degrees Celsius to preserve and absorb their beneficial compounds into your body as quickly as possible, these mushroom teas also include additional ingredients for more appealing flavors and textures, including lemon grass, butterfly pea flowers, hibiscus flowers lavender or pure vanilla for optimal absorption into the body.

It is a natural anti-fungal

Lingzhi mushroom tea is produced by steeping dried fungi in hot water for several minutes before straining them out and dispensing in powdered, capsule or liquid extract form. Unlike culinary varieties of mushrooms, medicinal varieties do not contain meat, seafood or cholesterol/fat; making them an excellent option for diabetics. Some brands of herbal concoction claim to promote vitality, strength and longevity without any scientific proof to back these claims up.

This fungus lives in harmony with trees and can be found throughout China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Its fruiting bodies appear brown with purple hues and are fan-shaped; traditionally Chinese medicine uses this fungus as an effective natural antifungal; additionally it boosts immunity while improving liver and kidney functions as well as treating respiratory ailments as well as alleviating rheumatic arthritis symptoms.

Researchers have reported that Lingzhi can help lower blood sugar and increase REM sleep. Furthermore, it acts as a mild sedative with soothing and calming properties. Unfortunately, other research has demonstrated hepatotoxicity and aplastic anemia as possible adverse side effects from taking Lingzhi.

It is a natural anti-viral

Reishi mushrooms (Lingzhi in Chinese or Ganoderma lucidum for academics), revered since ancient times by Asian societies as an emblem of health, wellbeing, and longevity, have long been used as powerful healing tonics. Asian societies have venerated G. lucidum as a sacred herb revered for its spiritual potency and immortality – it has even earned itself many flowery titles such as soul mushroom or “queen healer.” More recent research has demonstrated its biological activity including polypeptides and polysaccharides. One such protein, known by its acronym LZ-8 (derived from fruit bodies of G lucidum), has an immunomodulatory effect when applied directly onto skin of human bodies (Hsu and Cheng).

Reishi mushroom is an impressive medicinal mushroom. It boosts immunity, improves circulation, relieves rheumatic arthritis and asthma symptoms, clears sputum and lowers cholesterol. Reishi is also beneficial at helping regulate body mechanisms and metabolism; has antiviral and antibacterial properties and an abundance of protein, lipids and vitamins B, C, E & K as well as natural antifungal and anti-inflammatory compounds.

It is a natural anti-tumor

Lingzhi mushroom is an effective natural anti-tumor remedy, with active components that stimulate white blood cell production to combat viruses and bacteria. Furthermore, its strong antioxidant effect protects against free radical damage and oxidative stress that can lead to chronic diseases; studies have demonstrated this mushroom’s effectiveness at increasing cellular antioxidant levels and strengthening immunity function; it is even used as part of treatment plans for lower urinary tract symptoms (such as needing to urinate at night, weak urine flow or frequent peeing), improving overall health and wellbeing as well as treating lower urinary tract symptoms ( like having to pee during sleep) while helping improve overall health and well-being overall.

Polysaccharides and triterpenes found in Lingzhi mushrooms have been shown to possess immunomodulatory and anti-tumor properties, helping reduce tumor growth while killing cancer cells. Furthermore, Lingzhi tea can inhibit cell proliferation as well as new blood vessel formation in tumors – making this alternative form of treatment an excellent adjunctive therapy option.

This lingzhi mushroom tea is an organic combination of organic reishi mushrooms and healing herbs like lemon myrtle, orange peel, cinnamon and ginger that’s completely caffeine-free and perfect for anytime during the day! Reishi’s earthy bitterness is perfectly offset by rich chocolatey flavors found in raw cacao nibs as well as aromatic citrus herbs for an exceptional experience!

It is a natural anti-stress

Mushroom tea has long been an integral component of traditional Chinese medicine, thanks to its distinct fungi-like flavor and potential health benefits. Due to this widespread appeal among consumers today, mushroom teas come in all sorts of forms – some contain whole, dried mushrooms while others use powdered extracts from mushrooms; still others incorporate mushrooms with ingredients like black pepper or ginger for an enhanced experience; or come complete with sweeteners such as honey for sweetened versions.

Mushrooms, particularly reishi varieties, are powerful adaptogens that can help the body adapt to stress. Studies have demonstrated how adaptogens reduce cortisol levels – an anxiety-promoting hormone known to lead to insomnia – while improving sleep quality by decreasing fatigue and increasing energy.

Reishi tea’s soothing properties make it an effective stress relief solution, as well as an abundant source of antioxidants and other vital nutrients. Mushrooms may help boost the immune system as well as having other benefits like reduced inflammation, inhibited tumor growth and improving circulation; and studies have even indicated an increase in healthy gut bacteria which are essential for maintaining an effective and balanced immune system.