Cultures worldwide have long relied upon medicinal mushroom tea as an aid to wellbeing. Medicinal mushrooms provide numerous health advantages, including strengthening immunity and providing anti-inflammatory relief.

As mushrooms simmer in hot water, their earthy flavors seep into the boiling liquid to provide a delectable sensory experience with incredible healing powers.


Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), also referred to as Lingzhi, is widely recognized as one of the most potency medicinal mushroom species available today and widely revered for its spiritual enhancing and energy enhancing abilities.

Reishi tea can help to alleviate fatigue and promote sleep and peace. Furthermore, its antioxidant properties protect the body against free radical damage while keeping it healthy.

This powerful medicinal mushroom serves as both an effective natural anti-inflammatory and anxiety reducer. Studies have also demonstrated its ability to boost immunity and activate specific white blood cells that attack cancerous cells.

Pulverize this healing fungus into a powder that can easily be added to food or drinks for fast mushroom benefits. This method offers convenience without taste issues for those wanting fast access.

Reishi tea’s ability to help with chronic fatigue has been demonstrated by studies which demonstrated its effect on energy levels and sleep patterns. Reishi is considered an adaptogen, which means it helps balance hormones within the body while normalizing immune response.

Reishi has also been shown to reduce tumor growth and stimulate macrophage production – two key elements for fighting cancerous cells. Furthermore, its high concentration of beta-glucans may promote skin hydration from within and keep skin looking its best. Furthermore, in one cellular study reishi was demonstrated to improve immune function for those suffering with rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting it may alleviate pain and inflammation.

Rose Hips

Rose Hips are the fruit of any wild or cultivated rose plant and contain many essential phytochemicals and antioxidants similar to those found in berries or cranberries, such as vitamin C. Rose hips have long been used as an effective remedy against coughs and colds as well as an overall immune booster; recent research indicates they even possess anti-inflammatory properties which stimulate white blood cell production to fight infections more effectively.

Rose hips lend tea an irresistibly tart and tangy flavor, and they contain high levels of vitamin C as well as phytochemicals such as lycopene – an antioxidative that has many health advantages such as protecting against oxidative stress, helping manage diabetes, heart disease, inflammation reduction and is even effective against cancer!

Rose hips for this medicinal mushroom tea may be fresh or dried; for optimal results they should be red or orange in color and fully open. If using fresh rose hips that are large cut them in half before making the tea to remove seeds and hairs. When selecting dried varieties look for ones known for larger hips e.g. rosa rugosa varieties.

Rose hip tea can be very relaxing and rejuvenating. With its pleasant flavor and soothing qualities, rose hips work in perfect harmony with reishi mushrooms to offer comforting relief from stress-inducing situations. Rose hip tea makes an excellent remedy to relieve anxiety in any stressful situation.

Crab Apples

Though not traditionally associated with tea-making, crab apples add natural sweetness to medicinal mushroom tea brews. Their fruit also provides vitamins C, potassium and calcium; adding them will help balance out their earthy notes found in certain types of mushrooms like reishi.

Crab apple trees are popularly planted in home gardens and landscape plans to add decorative value, while also serving as windbreaks on farms to protect crops behind them from harsh winds. Furthermore, crab apple trees produce fruit year-round; crab apples appearing during late summer through fall.

Fruits produced from citrus trees boast a distinct citrus-like taste with subtle hints of lime and orange; their skins may feature any number of vibrant hues depending on cultivar. As well as producing delicious fruits, citrus trees are known for their leaves and bark that contain high concentrations of antioxidants that have been shown to protect against cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration and cancer.

Medicinal mushroom teas can be created by decocting (or simmering) various kinds of mushrooms in hot water for at least 15 minutes to release their benefits and flavors, making them easier for your body to absorb. You can create these teas from either fresh or dried mushrooms and can enjoy them alone or mixed in with other herbs or beverages.

If you want to brew your own medicinal mushroom tea, the first step should be selecting an ideal type of mushroom for the recipe. Different species have various properties that may help with immune support or alleviating stress; selecting one with qualities best suited for your health goals and personal tastes will enable you to create your ideal tea blend.

Sage Leaves

Sage leaves are rich in antioxidants that can strengthen your immune system and fight depression, memory loss, and Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, they support oral health, reduce inflammation, and help lower bad cholesterol levels – not to mention they have high nutritional values such as calcium, iron, vitamin A, C E and folate!

Although you might know sage from its use in stews, beans and pasta dishes, it can have its own delicate savory taste when eaten fresh or dried. Heat softens its peppery, bitter flavors into an unexpectedly delicate treat! Try sprinkling it over roasted potatoes or creating an easy but delectable bruschetta using this versatile herb!

Sage is an ideal addition to soups, beans, cured meat and casserole dishes as an aromatic herb. Sage pairs well with other flavors and herbs such as bay leaf, thyme, rosemary and garlic; dried sage boasts warm spicy camphor flavors with minty undertones which makes a delightful tea blend component or seasoning powder base.

Mixing medicinal mushrooms such as lion’s mane, chaga, turkey tail and cordyceps with honey enhances their flavors and powerful healing benefits. Honey acts as an excellent cough suppressant, anti-inflammatory, mild expectorant (to loosen phlegm in the lungs), nervine stimulant and antiseptic; an excellent digestive aid; balances the endocrine system and provides essential vitamins A-C; magnesium folate potassium are all rich sources; plus its natural antidiabetic and anticoagulant properties make it suitable for treating high blood pressure as well as relieving respiratory conditions such as allergies as well as skin issues.


Mushroom honey is an irresistibly tasty natural sweetener packed with the same adaptogenic properties found in medicinal mushrooms, providing stress reduction, improved sleep quality, increased energy and other health benefits. Use it as an irresistibly delicious spread on toast or add it to tea and coffee to enhance both flavour and health benefits!

Used in medicinal mushroom tea, sesquiterpene aryl esters add a delightful sweetness that’s not overly sugary or cloying, providing a delicious sweetness without being overly sugary or saccharine. They make a wonderful alternative to conventional honey while possessing antibacterial and antifungal properties as well. Honey can prevent hyperglycaemia – leading to symptoms like irritability, blurred vision, increased thirst, fatigue – while providing potency antibiotics against Gram-positive bacteria and yeasts – sesquiterpene aryl esters possess these powerful antibiotic properties against Gram-positive bacteria and yeasts.

As mushrooms simmer in hot water, their health-supportive compounds are released into the hot liquid. These include adaptogens that can help reduce stress, fortify immunity and lower blood pressure; polyphenols and flavonoids known to reduce inflammation while supporting cardiovascular health and promoting gut wellness; as well as phytochemicals like polyphenols that have been found to decrease cardiovascular risks and support gut wellbeing.

Integrating medicinal mushroom tea into your daily routine is an easy and delicious way to increase the benefits of adaptogens such as Reishi or cordyceps in your diet and experience their healing properties. Reishi, for instance, can subtly relax and ground you while cordyceps may provide more dynamic stimulation. By adding plant extracts like ginseng or echinacea extracts to honey’s overall antioxidant capacity it can further increase nutritional value while helping fight free radical damage associated with chronic illnesses and premature aging.