Mushrooms are rich in Vitamin D – an important immune support vitamin which can help prevent flu and promote strong bones. This comforting plant-based soup will soothe and satisfy.

Bring the mushrooms and kombu to a boil in a soup pot before allowing to simmer for 30 minutes before straining the tea.


Mushroom tea is a beverage produced by steeping dried mushrooms in hot water for several minutes to allow their earthy flavors to infuse the liquid while simultaneously releasing numerous health-promoting properties. Similar to cooking ground spices, mushroom tea has quickly become an enjoyable and healthy beverage option that’s enjoyed across seasons and occasions – easy preparation allows you to customize with ingredients or garnishes of your choosing for the ultimate custom beverage experience!

Mushrooms provide essential nutrition that aids the body. They’re an excellent source of Vitamin D, an essential nutrient for maintaining bone strength and immune system health, protein and fiber; proven to reduce inflammation, regulate blood pressure, support weight loss and promote cardiovascular wellbeing; they can even serve as natural energy boosters thanks to being packed full of protein, B vitamins, iron copper and potassium – making this mushroom soup recipe the ideal warm winter night meal!

This recipe uses a mixture of mushrooms such as reishi, cordyceps and lion’s mane that each contain different health-promoting benefits for our bodies. Rich in antioxidants that fight disease and reduce stress, as well as immunity boosters and probiotics which promote gut health – these herbs offer many different ways they can support overall wellbeing!

This recipe features vegetables and Arbor Teas organic burdock root for added texture and nutty flavor, along with Arbor Teas organic mushrooms for an energy-boosting meal that’ll keep you going all day long!

Start this recipe by combining dried mushrooms, kombu seaweed and water in a saucepan. After 30 minutes have passed, bring to a simmer before removing kombu from mixture by straining through fine sieve.

If using powdered form of mushrooms, make sure to dissolve in some cool liquid before adding into your pot as the starch present in the powdered mushroom will quickly thicken your liquid when heated up.


Preparing mushroom tea soup is relatively straightforward, involving steeping various species of edible mushrooms (such as cordyceps and lion’s mane) in boiling water until all their components have infiltrated into it and provided various health-supportive benefits that come out through infusion – from earthy notes to subtly stimulating aromas depending on which edible mushrooms were included in the infusion (such as cordyceps and lion’s mane).

This mushroom broth recipe makes a hearty and satisfying meal that provides essential plant-based nutrients, including fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and iron. When combined with vegetables such as bok choy and Arbor Teas Burdock Root it forms an antioxidant-rich meal to support immune health and metabolism.

Mushroom teas and broths have rapidly gained in popularity as an approach to nutrition and healing. Many people are turning to mushroom teas in place of coffee for its energy boost and ability to support immunity, as well as its earthy flavors that ground any drink with natural energy boost.

This simple dish takes less than 30 minutes to prepare and can be enjoyed alone or incorporated into other recipes, pairing well with rice, vegetables or any dish that benefits from an aromatic broth rich in minerals and flavor.

Start by adding water, onions, kombu (dried seaweed), garlic, tamari sauce and peppercorns into a large pot and bring to a simmer before removing and allowing the liquid to cool slightly before straining it to remove solids. If desired, thicken your soup by whisking in some arrowroot or corn starch slurry – add it directly into the hot mixture as soon as it hits it will start cooking immediately – this savory mushroom broth can then be frozen quart-size containers for later use or simply enjoyed as an afternoon beverage!


Mushroom tea soup is an easy, nutritive, delicious, and delectably flavorful recipe that requires no more than 15 minutes to create! Its unique taste comes from using both kombu seaweed and mushroom broth for its rich, earthy flavors – which pair perfectly with each other for optimal results! Kombu contains several health benefits such as strengthening immunity, improving digestion and increasing immunity – while mushroom broth lends its earthy, intense taste perfectly for making this delicious soup recipe; its earthiness can even serve as the basis for other recipes such as vegan ramen or creamy mushroom risotto!

Mushroom tea soup requires careful and precise ingredients preparation. While its preparation time may be relatively brief, special care must be taken not to burn or stick the bottom of the pan when stirring ingredients constantly during this step of cooking. A thick-bottomed pot may also prove advantageous.

Add the shiitake mushrooms to a large saucepan, and cook over medium-low heat for 7 to 7 12 minutes, stirring often and adding 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil as necessary to prevent sticking. After they’re ready, transfer to a paper towel to drain excess oil while also helping remove their tough outer layers.

Once your mushrooms have cooled, chop into small pieces. Set the chopped mushrooms aside while in the same pot you add white and light green parts of scallions for 2-3 minutes until softening before adding your bok choy and soy sauce for another 5-7 minutes of simmering on medium-low heat.

After your vegetables have cooked for several minutes, add 8 cups (2 quarts) of low sodium vegetable broth and turn up the heat until simmering has taken place. Allow this soup to cook for 15-20 minutes before tasting it!

If desired, add miso to your mushroom tea soup before tasting and seasoning to taste with salt and pepper as needed. Serve your creation in bowls garnished with reserved mushrooms and scallion greens – this nutritious and delectable meal provides a refreshing way to stay healthy, rejuvenated and relaxed.


Mushroom Tea Soup Recipe provides an effective and straightforward solution to boost immunity and energy. Ideal for diabetics and heart patients due to its low caloric intake. Plus it contains Vitamin D for increased bone strength. Plus you’ll gain essential amino acids, minerals and antioxidants from just three ingredients! Plus it’s simple and straightforward – try it now!

If you don’t want to make your own mushroom tea from scratch, premade powdered-shroom teas are available from health food stores and some independent tea shops. Brewed in hot water like regular tea but featuring dried shiitake and lion’s mane mushrooms instead, they make great tonic tea options and come in various flavors and sizes.

One alternative is to create a traditional lapsang souchong broth and then add chunks of maitake mushrooms for a unique take on lapsang souchong, while still taking advantage of their earthy notes.

Thicken your mushroom tea soup using one of two methods. Either use cornstarch slurry, or try adding arrowroot powder – an easily accessible plant starch which thickens without becoming overly heavy in texture.

For an enhanced texture and presentation, try running your soup through a blender before serving it. This will produce a silkier and more refined soup that is easier to digest while also looking more visually appealing.

To serve the soup, ladle it into shallow bowls and garnish them with slices of scallions and chiles, along with a drizzle of sesame oil for an eye-catching presentation. These colorful accents will add contrast and depth to an otherwise dark and earthy dish. Alternatively, individual cups can be enjoyed alongside slices of crusty bread so as to scoop up all that delicious soup goodness at the bottom of every cup and mop up any remaining juices at the bottom.