ORGANO Gold has been offering nature’s nutritional treasures to consumers worldwide since 2008. Their products contain an assortment of mushrooms, herbs, fruits and vegetables designed to increase energy levels and enhance health.

They use shade grown beans free from mycotoxins (harmful fungi), then combine these beans with Ganoderma lucidum spores for their blends. Finally, adding lemon helps catechins survive until their absorption into your body is complete.


Organo Gold green tea is an ideal way to boost health and wellness. This soothing beverage combines the mild taste of green tea with powerful antioxidants and natural herb extracts, providing essential anti-oxidant benefits as well as essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium, plus L-theanine for stress reduction.

This delectable drink is made with green tea leaves from Fujian province in China – an area renowned for its ideal climate and soil conditions that foster high quality tea plants. These ideal conditions have led to the presence of high quality plants with antioxidants like EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) that have been proven to protect against cancer while strengthening immunity systems. Furthermore, Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms commonly known as Lingzhi mushrooms also contribute significantly by increasing energy levels, decreasing stress and improving immunity.

This company has partnered with one of the world’s largest organic Ganoderma plantationss in order to guarantee top-of-the-line products, using an innovative process for protecting ingredients found within their drinks and supplements – providing consumers with healthy beverages free from artificial flavors or preservatives.

Their products are created to share Earth’s nutritional riches with people around the globe, using gourmet coffee, tea, green juice and vitamins to enrich people’s lives and increase health in a holistic manner. Furthermore, they also provide lifestyle accessories designed to support healthier living practices.

Organo Gold stands out in the market of direct consumer sales as an innovator and pioneer. Established by Filipino businessman Bernardo Chua in 2008 with the promise of curative coffee and the opportunity to amass wealth through distributor recruitment, Organo Gold uses direct global sales as a mechanism to empower individuals reach both personal and financial goals through direct global sales.

To maximize its effectiveness, it is best to use freshly harvested whole leaf green tea for optimal results. Only then will you know your product contains potency phenolic compounds and essential nutrients to aid in fighting diseases.

Weight loss

Green tea is widely considered one of the healthiest beverages, due to its abundance of polyphenol antioxidants that help defend cells against free radical damage and accelerate aging, boost metabolism and aid weight loss. Organo gold green tea offers additional health benefits with Reishi mushroom known to reduce stress, boost immunity and overall improve well-being – conveniently packaged sachets of certified vegan and gluten-free tea ensure this beverage meets every dietary need and restriction possible.

This beverage features tea leaves from Fujian Province in China, an area renowned for its ideal climate, soil, and altitude for producing top-grade tea leaves. They undergo minimal processing without chemicals, pesticides or GMOs – furthermore this company has partnered with one of the world’s largest organic Ganoderma lucidum or Lingzhi mushroom farms so as to provide consumers with these nutritious gems worldwide.

These mushrooms are grown naturally using logs as growing medium and natural growth patterns are encouraged. Once harvested, these mushrooms are ground into 17 times more potent spores that are then combined with green tea for an anti-oxidant, stress reducer, immune booster and weight loss aid combination that makes an enjoyable beverage that can be enjoyed both hot or cold.

Customers can find Organo Gold products both locally and online. Since 2008, this company has been sharing Earth’s nutritional riches through premium gourmet drinks, nutraceuticals and personal care products made with only organic mushrooms, fruits, vegetables and herbs grown exclusively for them.

Organo Gold has long been recognized for its exceptional customer service and effectiveness, offering many programs designed to assist its members in reaching their goals. One such program is its Affiliate Program which offers promotional tools and resources to assist individuals with building their business successfully – it has even enabled some to become successful entrepreneurs! Suitable for anyone wanting to start their own venture globally.

Energy boost

This herbal beverage combines the relaxing properties of green tea with those provided by reishi mushrooms, known for boosting energy and immunity levels, along with l-theanine, an amino acid known to promote relaxation and mental alertness. Enjoyed both at home or while on-the-go, organic, gluten-free and vegan recipes make this beverage suitable for individuals who have dietary restrictions or restrictions.

ORGANO Gold has been committed to harnessing the earth’s nutritional riches since 2008. Their premium products aim to boost energy levels, enhance health and extend lifespan by using natural mushrooms, fruits, vegetables and herbs that can easily be added into daily meals for optimal results.

This company only uses premium quality ingredients in their products, which are carefully selected and produced to deliver maximum health benefits to users. They’re made using minimal processing to protect the natural nutrients and enzymes found in raw materials while being free from harmful chemicals and additives. Furthermore, their Ganoderma Lucidum Spores are grown ecologically friendly by using logs instead of soil for growth patterns that promote stronger mushrooms that then get ground up with green tea leaves into products for their users.

Organo Gold’s green tea comes from Fujian Province in China’s southeast corner – one of the premier growing regions for premium quality leaves. This region is famed for its ideal climate and altitude conditions that facilitate growing top-grade leaves with minimal caffeine content but high antioxidant levels to combat free radicals that cause oxidative damage and accelerate aging. Furthermore, Organo Gold uses only organic methods when growing their reishi mushrooms so it remains an appealing healthy choice even for those on restricted diets.

Product availability varies worldwide and has become an ideal way for those wanting to reduce caffeine intake to start the day right with something delicious yet energizing and easy to prepare. Enjoy it plain or mix into smoothies!


Organo Gold offers an assortment of premium gourmet beverages, nutraceuticals and personal health care products made from Ganoderma Lucidum fungus-based miraculous remedies that have been used for millennia to promote wellness and improve health. Their patented products can be found around the world through retailers and celebrities like Greg Norman who serves as their global spokesperson.

The company focuses on encouraging healthy lifestyles, with balanced diets and regular physical activity at its core. All their products are free from GMOs, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, featuring only premium fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and herbs that have been carefully selected, roasted and blended so as to maintain their nutritional value.

Coffee and tea infused with Ganoderma is an immensely popular product in their line. Enjoy it alone or mix it with ingredients like ginger, honey melons, lemon peels or mint leaves to enhance the flavors and reap all the health benefits offered by this innovative patented process – such as improved immune system functionality and higher energy levels!

Organo Gold’s green tea blend offers another option in their product lineup, featuring premium green tea leaves from Fujian Province in China known for ideal climate and soil conditions for producing top-grade tea plants, blended together with Ganoderma for its anti-aging benefits and mild soothing flavor. Enjoy it hot or cold; pairs well with any variety of flavors!

Ganoderma lucidum, more commonly known in China as Lingzhi, is an effective medicinal mushroom that supports immune health and aids cancerous cell suppression. Additionally, Lingzhi may help combat stress, depression, blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as ease bronchitis symptoms while moisturizing skin cells to combat signs of aging while its triterpenoids prevent oxidative damage and stimulate cell growth.

Organo Gold’s products use ganoderma that has been grown and harvested using sustainable practices that minimize environmental impact, using logs as medium for growth. Once mushrooms have matured, their spores are harvested without crushing; this ensures that Organo Gold ganoderma contains 17 times more active ingredients than most similar products on the market.