Organo Gold is an innovative global movement, infusing gourmet coffee and other products with Ganoderma Lucidum extract for maximum benefit. They offer a generous compensation plan which rewards leadership and dedication.

Visitors may post content, comments, questions and suggestions; as well as send e-cards. Content posted must not violate laws, be illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invading privacy or infringing upon intellectual property rights.


This company provides products that are both naturally healthy and beneficial to the body, including teas, coffees, health shakes, snacks and supplements. Furthermore, there is also a line of personal care products. There have been countless testimonials supporting the effectiveness of Ganoderma products; from diabetics regaining feeling in their hands and feet after years of neuropathy to those noticing allergies, pain or other health conditions being reduced with regular use – these stories demonstrate its power!

An Organo Gold distributor may earn a substantial income by selling its products directly to retail customers. Organo Gold’s compensation plan combines two of the most powerful pay structures in network marketing: Dual Team and Unilevel pay structures – giving distributors immediate profits as well as life-changing residuals from their efforts.

An Organo Gold distributorship can be achieved by filling out an Independent Distributor Application, which must be submitted in order to establish your identity and provide the foundation for business registration. It includes fields for important personal details like your social security number and sponsor’s OG ID# – be sure to complete it accurately to avoid delays during approval processes.

As part of Organo Gold family, you become part of a global family that continues to expand and prosper each day. Organo Gold believes in putting knowledge about Ganoderma into people’s hands worldwide; hence its popularity among celebrities. The company remains at the forefront of advocating its benefits globally.

Organo Gold products are available in over 25 countries. You can find them both at local health food stores and the Organo Gold website, where there’s educational material and training videos that will help get your business up and running. In addition, there is also an app available free for download that helps track sales commissions from any device – this app offers a great way of staying organized!


Organo Gold Independent Distributor Application is an online form designed to enable prospective distributors to complete an application for the company. To avoid complications and delay, it must be filled out accurately; incorrect submissions could lead to miscommunication and delays. Filling out this form is straightforward and requires only basic information: 1. Social Security Number 2. Preferred Starter Kit Package 3 Business Site Address 4 Sponsor OG ID Number and 5 Preferred Business Model.

6. Applicants must agree to the terms and conditions of the Organo Gold Distributor Agreement. 7. Completed applications must be submitted within 30 days of purchase, with fees paid promptly thereafter. 8.

Whoever wishes to become Organo Gold distributors must first become aware of both their price point and compensation plan. Organo Gold products offer competitive prices among similar nutritional supplements; in addition, the company provides various incentives like bonuses, trips and car rewards as rewards for being distributors of their product line. Furthermore, they receive full marketing materials and training from Organo Gold as part of their agreement with them.

Organo Gold distributors must be 18 or over and reside in a country which permits direct sales. You must also possess valid bank and credit account. Once these criteria have been fulfilled, an initial registration fee of $25 must be paid; you may register either online, by phone, or at their headquarters in person.

Organo Gold owns and operates this website, and no one may copy or use its content without first seeking organo’s written approval. No enclosing techniques should be employed in any way to enclose it or its content – any individual found violating this restriction is subject to legal action; to report suspected violations please reach out directly – we’ll investigate all reported instances and take necessary measures if required.


If there are Organo Gold products you use regularly, setting up autoship will save time and ensure you never run out of them! Plus, with this free service you can add or modify products whenever desired – perfect if your schedule allows it!

If your account is set up as a wholesale account, when signing up you may need to provide certain information such as your social security number or business tax ID for income reporting purposes. However, retail accounts do not need this additional piece of data.

This website and any portion thereof must not be duplicated, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited or exploited for any commercial use without Organo’s express written permission. Furthermore, framing techniques used to enclose trademarks, logos or proprietary information owned by Organo cannot be employed without its express written approval; your right to use this website ceases if you violate any of these terms or conditions.

Organo Gold’s Quality Control Department will reimburse distributors 90% of their net cost for products and sales aids returned, less any setoffs and legal claims. Product packs/sets must be in resalable condition; individual components cannot be returned.

Organo does not guarantee that this website, its servers, or emails sent from Organo are free from viruses or other potentially damaging components. By accessing, using, or inability to use this site you assume all risks of doing so and any resulting damages to your computer system, software, data or property as a result.