OG is on a mission to spread the incredible power of Ganoderma to more people worldwide. Their premium gourmet beverages, nutraceuticals and personal care products infused with Ganoderma are already making a positive difference in lives everywhere they’re distributed.

This website and its contents cannot be copied, reproduced, duplicated, sold, resold, visited or exploited for commercial gain without Organo Gold‘s explicit written approval.

Contact Us

OG offers an assortment of premium everyday products including coffees, teas and nutraceuticals infused with Ganoderma Lucidum’s medicinal mushroom properties. Since 2008, this global leader has seen their products sold across 45 countries on six continents.

Are You Considering Organiso Gold as an Independent Distributor? Contact them by phone, email, or their website – there’s even the chance of receiving free samples to try! OG offers an attractive compensation plan when compared with other direct sales companies!

OG is expanding and flourishing at an astounding pace around the world, helping thousands to regain greater control of their health, wealth and balance every day. On a mission to spread knowledge about Ganoderma to every corner of our globe and bring its benefits into more lives than ever, OG stands committed to spreading its global community around Ganoderma’s power to bring benefit into lives worldwide.

Application to become an independent distributor with OG includes several fields that collect vital information about applicants. These include: 1. Social Security Number: This field must be filled out for identity verification. 2. Additional Fields for Personal Details and Additional Requirements (optional). 1. First Name: The applicant’s first name. 3. Last Name: The last name. 4. Home Phone Number: The home phone number for the applicant. 5. Cell Phone Number: The cell phone number. 6. Sponsor OG ID#: This identifier represents their enrolling sponsor; 7. Shipping Address is physical location where products will be shipped directly; 8. Date of Birth confirms applicant age before proceeding further and 9. Chosen Package represents their initial order package selected upon enrollment.

To ensure that your return is processed as quickly as possible, it’s essential that all necessary information is available at the time of ordering. If you have any concerns or queries about your order or its status, don’t hesitate to contact your local Organo Gold representative – they can help determine the most efficient method for returning any product back. To do so successfully, it is imperative that a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number be clearly printed in indelible ink on the outside of each package being returned back – to Organo Gold before sending back any product back – this RMA number must also be clearly printed clearly printed with indelible ink on its outside before sending any product back – organo gold must have an RMA number that clearly prints with indelible ink in order to process successfully returning any product back for processing!

Customer Service

Established in 2008, ORGANO offers an innovative collection of everyday premium products such as coffees and teas, nutraceuticals and personal care items to provide people with access to opportunities and a new way of life worldwide. They boast regional offices in five continents worldwide.

ORGANO strives to ensure complete customer satisfaction through high quality products that meet industry standards, as well as an easy product return policy that offers refund or exchanges in 45 days from shipment date if defective products are found to exist. All returns must be unopened and in their original packaging in order to qualify.

To request a refund or exchange from ORGANO, call their customer service department at the telephone number listed below and describe your problem and reasons for return – otherwise the company won’t issue credit to your account! Additionally, provide your OG ID# as well as that of anyone who referred you to ORGANO’s website.

ORGANO Quality Control team must inspect each item returned before issuing refund or replacement; this may delay the process, however. However, you will remain updated as to its progress.

Your responsibility in returning items lies with prepaying all shipping costs related to them and clearly marking your RMA number in indelible ink on the outside of the package. Shipping-collect packages cannot be accepted. In order to keep track of deliveries if needed, tracking or delivery confirmation services should also be prepaid on all return packages; should one go astray, it is up to you as the sender to track down shipments yourself.

ORGANO reserves the right to amend this policy at any time and post any updates on their website.

This website and its content, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, illustrations, photographs, audio clips, video clips, software programs and software is owned by ORGANO Gold and protected by United States and international copyright laws. No part of this material may be copied, reproduced, republished, modified or distributed without prior written authorization from ORGANO Gold.

Product Information

Organo Gold is committed to offering its customers high-quality products. Their customer service representatives are ready and eager to answer any queries that arise; they can also assist with placing an order and providing details regarding shipping and delivery policies. Furthermore, the website offers easy navigation as well as various tools for distributors.

The Independent Distributor Application is a form that allows individuals to enroll as independent distributors for Organo Gold. It includes a list of documents and information required from distributors before joining. Filling out this application should be easy; just be sure that all mandatory fields are completed; incomplete submissions could delay or stop their journey as independent distributors of Organo Gold.

Organo Gold’s Quality Control department will reimburse distributors 90% of the original cost of products and sales aids returned within 45 days from invoice date; an RMA number must be clearly printed on the exterior packaging before any returns can be accepted; shipping charges are non-refundable.

All trademarks, logos and copyrighted material on this website belong to Organo Gold or its licensors and cannot be used without their express written permission – including framing the site or using similar techniques. You also cannot reproduce or display any part of it for commercial purposes without prior consent from us or reproduce or display in any manner without our permission.

ORGANO GOLD disclaims, to the maximum extent allowed under applicable law, any and all express or implied warranties including but not limited to implied warranties of mercantability and fitness for a specific purpose. ORGANO GOLD DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THIS WEBSITE; INFORMATION, CONTENT, MATERIALS, PRODUCTS (INCLUDING SOFTWARE), SERVICES PROVIDED THROUGH THIS SITE; SERVERS USED BY ORGANO GOLD OR E-MAIL FROM ORGANO GOLD are free from VIRUSES or other harmful components.

Distributor Information

As part of becoming an Organo Gold distributor, you will be required to provide certain information and accept the terms of a Distributor Agreement. Some of this includes your social security number and business tax ID which are necessary for tax purposes; you will also need your first and last names as well as email address so we can contact you and establish your distributor website address.

Organo Gold’s quality control department determines that any products and sales aids that the Distributor personally purchased from Organo Gold that can be resold will be returned for refund at 90% of net cost, less any applicable setoffs and legal claims. Items clearly marked non-returnable or seasonal are not considered resalable.

Additionally, you must meet the minimum volume requirements set forth by the company and pay any associated fees to keep your distributorship active. If these requirements cannot be fulfilled, your distributorship may be terminated immediately.

Organo Gold’s website offers distributors a selection of marketing materials such as brochures, postcards, business cards and marketing flyers. Additionally, the site offers an online training and support system with video/audio tutorials, webinars and presentations designed to teach distributors about selling Organo Gold products as part of their business opportunity.

Are You Considering Becoming an Organo Gold Distributor? For more information and to download an Application to become one, visit their Official website and complete an Application as it’s completely free and contains various fields for obtaining essential data. Applicants should submit all aspects of their Application without delay to avoid delays.

By accessing and using this website, you accept its terms and conditions of use as well as to indemnify and hold harmless Organo Gold’s directors, officers, employees and agents against any claims made by third parties in relation to or as a result of your use. To the extent allowed under applicable law, this disclaimer applies to any implied warranties such as merchantability and fitness for particular purpose that might apply herein.