Most people associate coffee with rich aromas and creamy textures; others may envision hot chocolate or green tea beverages instead. But many don’t realize there is much more to coffee than just beverages!

Bernardo Chua founded Organo Gold in 2008 as an organic skincare line featuring products made with Ganoderma mushrooms known for their healing capabilities.

The company’s founders

Coffee conjures images of fresh roast, rich aroma and mocha; but when people think of Organo Gold they might not automatically think of mushrooms – yet mushrooms are at the core of its success, according to its co-founder Shane Morand. Organo Gold blends gourmet coffee beans with an antiviral mushroom called Ganoderma Reishi found throughout Asia that helps control cholesterol and has antiviral qualities; popular in Chinese medicine; also sold as blended green tea and hot chocolate blends or supplements with Ganoderma Reishi for added benefits reishi is at its heart reishi is at Organo Gold as well.

People may have heard of Organo Gold but are unsure whether it constitutes a pyramid scheme or not. While Organo Gold claims to be a multi-level marketing company – and distributors do earn commission on sales – the difference between genuine MLMs and pyramid schemes lies in how pyramid schemes place greater emphasis on recruiting salespeople than selling product; additionally they typically require large start-up fees before forcing distributors into attending high pressure motivational events.

Bernardo Chua and Shane Morand are two veteran network marketing practitioners. Chua hails from the Philippines and worked in multi-level marketing prior to founding Organo Gold. Organo Gold distributes its products via direct selling; distributors purchase the wholesale product directly from Organo Gold before selling them direct. Morand is responsible for opening new markets worldwide while helping train distributors on his team.

Even though its headquarters are located in Canada, its distribution and sales span the world. Revenue continues to increase steadily, and partnerships with iconic brands like Visa and Mercedes have enabled growth of revenue and partnership opportunities for this firm – leading Direct Selling News to rank it 55th largest direct-selling firm worldwide in 2014.

Chuck DeWayne, former human resources director for Colorado’s Poudre School District (PSD), has been accused of breaching his contract by misusing district resources to promote Organo Gold products. PSD attorneys have requested a judge dismiss DeWayne’s lawsuit; however, his lawyer claims PSD made errors when firing him without cause and violated their at-will employment agreement.

The company’s products

Most people associate coffee with rich aromas and robust flavors; few think of mushrooms when thinking about coffee; however, mushrooms are at the core of Organo Gold’s success. Their products feature Ganoderma Lucidum mushrooms as a natural antidepressant which reduces anxiety symptoms as well as boost immune systems to prevent cancers and aid with weight loss by improving insulin sensitivity; since most Americans consume an average daily consumption of 3.2 cups of coffee this could help one lose weight and feel more energetic!

As well as offering coffee, Ganoderma Coffee also produces tea and other products infused with Ganoderma. Established in 2008 and currently expanding worldwide, Bernardo Chua, founder of this company has extensive multilevel marketing experience and been instrumental in several international companies.

Organo Gold’s founders believe their product offers an innovative and nutritious alternative to traditional coffee, offering multiple flavors and blends as well as nutritional supplements to help users achieve their goals. In addition, Organo Gold provides distributors with an incentive program so that they may share Organo Gold with others while earning income through sales of their products.

Products of this company are created from organic ingredients backed by scientific research, while its coffee is sourced from the Philippines where it grows on trees; then hand-roasting and grinding are performed to create some of the highest-grade coffee in the world. Furthermore, it has over one million satisfied customers worldwide who consume its products.

Organo Gold’s coffee and tea offer numerous health advantages, from relieving brain tension and increasing focus to providing antioxidant protection against disease and depression and anxiety relief. Their products have proven popular with diabetes sufferers to those recovering from neuropathy – some have even witnessed miraculous results after giving Organo Gold tea or coffee to their son; after just one week his facial tick had vanished completely!

The company’s compensation plan

The company’s compensation plan offers distributors an attractive source of income. This includes earning retail commission for every sale of products containing Ganoderma lucidum-infused capsules or coffee. Each of OG’s products are carefully harvested without crushing its delicate spores; nearly a kilogram of Ganoderma lucidum mushrooms must be processed to yield just one ounce of its premium quality spore powder, while it takes over one kilogram for one pound of its granules; both processes require costly investment as well as experienced harvesters so as not to squash their precious spores!

The company’s website

Most people envision coffee as an aromatic blend with smooth texture and fragrant aroma; however, many don’t realize its many other health benefits beyond being simply a beverage. Coffee provides energy and alertness, contains antioxidants to support overall body health, and may help prevent various diseases – which is why so many drink it daily around the world! Organo Gold offers healthier options to your morning cup of joe with their range of products featuring Ganoderma Lucidum from the Lingzhi mushroom as one of its signature ingredients – truly setting them apart from competitors!

The company was founded by professionals with over 25 years of network marketing industry experience, selling its products through distributors who earn commission. Furthermore, there is a robust social media presence where distributors receive training as well as an ecommerce website where customers can purchase these items.

To become an Organo Gold distributor, you must submit the independent distributor application and pay a registration fee. This form requests personal and document details as well as outlining requirements and terms of becoming an Organo Gold representative. Care should be taken in reading through and following all instructions in order to submit an accurate submission.

Though Organo Gold products have been shown to be effective, the company remains unregistered with the federal government and evading taxes. Furthermore, its representatives have been accused of misinforming consumers and engaging in fraud; its products remain unknown for human consumption. These allegations prompted several individuals to take legal action against Organo Gold, including Jay Noland who claims that he was taken advantage of by Organo Gold; posting recordings online where he makes serious allegations against Organo Gold – you can listen here.