Most people think of coffee in terms of roasting, aroma and taste; few associate the term with mushrooms as key components to Organo Gold‘s success, according to Morand.

Marlin Johnson filed a class action in Delaware Superior Court for New Castle County against Ganoderma lucidum products sold by his company and failed to properly label and warn consumers about potential health hazards associated with Ganoderma lucidum use.

Why is Organo Gold so popular?

Most people associate coffee with rich flavors, tantalizing aromas and relaxing tastes; but when thinking of mushrooms they should remember Organo Gold. Organo Gold was founded by businessman Bernardo Chua in 2008 with the mission to produce healthy coffee products with Ganoderma lucidum or Lingzhi mushrooms which possess unique herbal properties to energize and uphold health in people.

Success for this company lies in part with its incorporation of mushrooms into its products. Mushrooms help boost immunity, reduce stress and toxins in the body, improve memory retention and memory function, reduce inflammation and enhance physical performance – not to mention serving as natural stimulants to increase energy levels! Furthermore, mushrooms act as digestive aids, breaking down carbohydrates and fats while being used by Chinese medicine to relieve stress and fatigue.

As well as coffee, the company also produces tea and supplements infused with mushroom. Their mushroom supplements are especially well-received due to their range of health benefits; these can be purchased both online and at many stores; additionally, there is an incentive program enabling distributors to profit by selling these products.

For network marketing business success, lead generation skills are of utmost importance. Being able to generate new leads daily will determine how quickly you are able to expand Organo Gold business. Furthermore, having products customers want will also play a big part.

Organo Gold offers an exceptional product to network marketers looking for ways to make money with network marketing: black coffee, cafe mocha, cafe supreme and hot cocoa are among the many offerings they have on the menu, not to mention supplements and personal care items that provide multiple streams of income. Their compensation plan is highly competitive as well.