Pine needle tea is an ancient beverage prepared using pine (pinaceae) needles. An excellent source of Vitamin C, it has long been used for its health-boosting benefits.

The present invention presents a method for producing pine mushroom tea by washing fresh matsutake mushrooms with needle juniper branches, drying at 80 degrees Celsius for 4 hours and then pulverizing them before vacuum packaging and fermenting for six months.

Nutritional value

Pine mushroom tea is an excellent source of nutrients and minerals. Packed with calcium and iron as well as antioxidants that support a healthy immune system, pine mushroom also features antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties to combat viruses such as HIV as well as treating respiratory conditions like bronchitis or respiratory inflammation. Furthermore, its abundance in guanylate content helps lower cholesterol levels to combat cardiovascular disease.

Pine mushrooms offer an abundance of essential nutrients and can be enjoyed both raw or dried, providing high amounts of vitamin D with relatively few calories, fiber and protein content, and low moisture content for preserving flavor after harvesting. Thus, it’s vital that we find ways to prolong enjoying this rare and special delicacy for as long as possible.

Method for producing pine mushroom tea follows traditional Chinese methods. It involves washing, drying at 80 degrees Celsius for four hours, pulverizing and mixing. Once complete, this powder will be sterilized using ultraviolet radiation before being aged at low temperatures for 1 – 3 days at which point the tea can be chilled and stored until ready for consumption.

Making pine mushroom tea at home is easy and can be completed within minutes, providing that the correct technique is employed. Medicinal mushrooms such as chaga, turkey tail, reishi, and lion’s mane contain polyphenols which have been shown to benefit human health, while pine mushroom tea contains B vitamins like folac acid potassium phosphorus to boost energy and memory while fighting stress/depression and arthritis-related inflammation. It can even serve as an antiviral treatment.


Mushroom tea has long been utilized for its many health advantages and is becoming an increasingly popular way of maintaining wellness. Thanks to its rich source of nutrients and antioxidants, medicinal mushrooms such as Chaga, Reishi, Turkey Tail and Lion’s Mane have become some of the most beloved remedies in recent times. Each variety provides essential vitamins and minerals making it an integral component of any wellness regime.

Domestic pine mushroom can have an excellent effect on the bronchial system and is also effective against chronic or acute diarrhea, smallpox, and postpartum hemorrhage. Unfortunately, its flavor tends to disappear quickly after harvesting and storage is difficult; therefore this invention provides a method for creating tea that features the unique and harmonious taste of Vicchae and pine mushroom which can meet modern people’s preferences while improving their health.

Preparation method

Pine mushroom tea preparation is relatively straightforward: all it requires is some spruce branches and hot water. After cleaning and chopping the needles into small pieces, add them along with one cup of boiling water into a teapot and simmer it for approximately 15 minutes before sweetening as desired – perfect for morning brews! This delicious tea should be enjoyed whenever it strikes; especially refreshing!

Boicaneun tea, also referred to as pine mushroom tea in Korea, involves soaking spruce branches in hot water to soften their bitter taste and loosen up their leaves. After this step is complete, they’re left in the sun to dry further before roasting in an oven to give more robust flavors before being ground into powder form and mixed with pine mushrooms and then brewed like any other green or white tea blends.

Pine mushrooms offer more than nutritional benefits; they’re also natural anti-inflammatories. Plus, their high concentration of antioxidants helps strengthen immunity while relieving stress levels – not to mention its delicious taste which many find irresistible!

Pine mushroom has been used as a health product for millennia. It is widely recognized for helping with insomnia, anxiety and depression as well as its possible benefits against cancer and cardiovascular disease. You can purchase it at most health food stores alongside other mushrooms like reishi cordyceps and chaga.

Trichoholoma matsutake, or pine mushroom, has been cultivated in Japan for centuries and is considered a culinary delicacy in this country. Numerous researchers have studied its medicinal properties, which have proven its ability to boost immune health.


The pine mushroom is an exceptional fungus with an eye-catching design. Although similar to button mushrooms, its cap shape and aroma and flavor set it apart. Consumption has long been used medicinally around the world; today its health benefits continue in several cultures around the globe as an ingredient in many beverages – most notably tea made using pine mushrooms! Using hot water as its medium for steeping these delectable mushrooms produces an antioxidant-rich drink rich in Vitamin C as well as other vital minerals; its preparation makes a delightful drink perfect for any special event or gathering!

Pine mushrooms can be enjoyed raw or cooked all year-round and are readily available from supermarkets or specialty stores. With an array of shapes, colors and sizes – some featuring more prominent caps than others – pine mushrooms make an excellent snack when fresh; dried versions lose texture quickly. It is best to purchase them fresh though as dried versions tend to lose texture more rapidly than their fresh counterparts. When considering pine mushroom tea consumption it should be noted that it may interfere with some medications or supplements; always consult your physician prior to adding this food item into your daily regimen.

Matsutake mushrooms have an unforgettable scent and are typically harvested during autumn when they reach full bloom. Being native to nature, this fungus cannot be artificially produced – this makes matsutake highly prized for its health benefits as an alternative medicine, making it one of the world’s most valuable fungi and found all across northeast Asia, southwestern China, parts of central Europe as well as northeast Europe. With thick meat, vivid coloration and chewy textures this delicacy has long been considered top grade food by oriental countries for generations – making it a staple food source in oriental countries for millennia!

Pine Mushroom Puer Tea is an enjoyable blend of vicchae and pine mushrooms brewed traditionally. Their combined aromatics create an irresistibly fragrant drink with beneficial health effects for modern people. It is both flavorful and tasty!