PIOIR GANODERMA COFFEE 3-IN-1 is an energy-boosting beverage made with premium coffee, Ganoderma lucidum extract and non-dairy creamer, designed to meet all three nutritional requirements in one drink. Perfect for people of all ages.

Prevention and relief from diseases such as hepatitis, liver malfunctioning, high blood pressure, as well as improving bowel function and digestion are key benefits of herbal therapy.

1. Boosts Immunity

Pioir is an antioxidant-rich 3-in-1 coffee beverage featuring superfood ganoderma (aka “lingzhi in Chinese). Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as lingzhi in China, has long been touted for its health-giving benefits including improving immunity, preventing cancer and diabetes, reducing constipation, protecting liver detoxification processes, boosting energy levels, strengthening blood circulation etc.

PIOIR Coffee & Ganoderma Lucidum Extract combines quality coffee and Ganoderma lucidum extract without creamer or sugar, for an all-natural blend that provides heart-healthy nutrients like omega fatty acids, Vitamin B complex, essential minerals and proteins. Plus it’s tasty too.

Ganoderma extractum benefits greatly from new technology that uses spore powder and alcohol extraction to increase its active constituent content, particularly its polysaccharides and triterpene substances found in pill form Ganoderma, such as crude polysaccharides and triterpene substances which have shown remarkable human body action effects such as increasing immunity, anti-cancer activities, fighting fatigue and suppressing autoimmune functions, etc. It can also improve effects such as lowering blood pressure, treating diabetes, regulating blood sugar, improving brain health as well as improving sleep quality.

2. Strengthens the Immune System

Pioir Ganoderma Coffee contains polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals to strengthen immunity as well as balance blood sugar level and eliminate toxins. Furthermore, antioxidants present help protect mental health as well as fight free radicals; making this beverage an excellent option for anyone wanting to increase energy levels, decrease stress and anxiety levels, promote weight loss and overall improve their wellbeing.

Studies have demonstrated the neuroprotective and anti-ageing benefits of G. lucidum extracts and components, including deacetyl ganoderic acid F (DeGA F), as a potency neuroprotectant and anti-ager. DeGA F significantly reduced production of proinflammatory cytokines when LPS stimulated BV2 microglial cells were exposed to DeGA F.

PIOIR GANODERMA COFFEE 3-IN-1 is an exciting and delicious beverage made of premium coffee powder, cocoa powder and Ganoderma lucidum extract – without sugar or creamer! It features rich flavors while providing plant proteins and high levels of antioxidants to fight free radicals.

3. Boosts Energy Levels

Ganoderma coffee contains an abundance of natural ingredients that can boost energy levels and offer numerous health advantages. Not to mention its incredible antioxidant levels which fight free radicals to protect the body against damage.

Pioir Ganoderma Coffee is made from an innovative combination of high-grade coffee and Ganoderma lucidum extract to provide increased energy levels as well as numerous health benefits, including weight loss promotion, stress and anxiety reduction and enhanced immunity support.

As there are various varieties of Ganoderma coffee available, GANO CAFE CLASSIC may be your perfect drink choice: made from quality coffee combined with Ganoderma lucidum without sugar or creamer for a low-caffeinated experience that anyone who appreciates coffee can appreciate! For those seeking something sweeter to drink, GANO CAFE GINSENG TONGKAT ALI may be more your style – with Eurycoma longifolia Jack Tongkat Ali Ginseng is blended together to increase vitality virility, endurance!

4. Improves Blood Circulation

Ganoderma coffee ingredients help increase blood circulation, thus improving oxygen levels in the body and preventing toxic build-up. Furthermore, this also strengthens immune systems to combat various health problems more efficiently.

PIOIR is the world’s first concoction to combine coffee and Ganoderma. This beverage consists of premium coffee, cocoa, and Ganoderma lucidum extract for maximum energy boost potential. A nutritious beverage suitable for people of all ages. Perfect for increasing stamina.

Ganoderma Lucidum coffee contains Chinese herbal medicines like Radix Codonopsis and Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae that contain plant polysaccharides to mitigate its bitter taste, making the drink easier for users to take up as a daily drinking habit and strengthening health by improving matrix function and increasing physical strength and energy.

5. Lowers Cholesterol

Pioir Ganoderma Coffee is an irresistibly delectable 3-in-1 beverage composed of premium instant black coffee, Ganoderma extract and non-dairy creamer – an irresistibly delicious drink with zero added fats or excess sugar! A fantastic choice for anyone trying to lead a healthier lifestyle!

Ganoderma (commonly referred to as Lingzhi and Reishi) is an essential natural fungus that supports optimal health and longevity. Packed full of polysaccharides, proteins and essential nutrients that boost energy levels while fighting free radical disease-causing agents, Ganoderma provides vital antidotes against disease-causing free radicals.

B-glucan found in Ganoderma lucidum can also help enhance immunity and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, while its rich nutrition also enhances blood circulation and lowers cholesterol. As such, this mushroom should be consumed by those with high blood pressure or family histories of cardiovascular issues – but should not be consumed by those suffering from autoimmune diseases or allergies to Ganoderma lucidum, Eurycoma longifolia, Lepidium meyennii or Panax ginseng as this could potentially increase immunity or reduce risks against cancers as well.

6. Lowers Blood Pressure

PIOIR Ganoderma Coffee is one of the first drinks ever created that combines quality coffee and Ganoderma extract into an energy-boosting drink, providing multiple health benefits such as antiviral and antibacterial properties, protection from hepatitis, constipation reduction and rejuvenation of tissues. Each serving only contains 10 calories with no fat; making it simple for Fitie users to meet daily calorie goals easily.

PIOIR Ganoderma Coffee is an all-natural blend of premium coffee powder, cocoa powder and Ganoderma Lucidum extract designed to provide an enjoyable coffee-like experience without being oversweet or bitter. Packed full of plant proteins and anti-oxidants against free radicals – perfect for anyone who enjoys hot and smooth cups of java in the morning or throughout their day! Safe to be enjoyed by people of all ages as a replacement beverage; however it should be discussed with a physician first in cases involving autoimmune conditions, allergies or hypersensitivity against ingredients (Ganoderma Lucidum, Eurycoma longifolia Jack and Lepidium meyennii), pregnant or breastfeeding mothers should seek medical advice prior to consumption as this could affect them negatively.

7. Prevents High Blood Pressure

Ganoderma coffee (Lingzhi in Chinese) has long been used as an herbal medicine to support health and longevity. A powerful antioxidant known to combat free radicals and boost immunity, Ganoderma mushroom also contains B-vitamin, zinc magnesium potassium.

Pioir Ganoderma Coffee is made from quality coffee enriched with Ganoderma Lucidum Extract and Eurycoma Longifolia Jack extract as well as other natural ingredients which provide added benefits. Boasting both aroma and classic flavor, the beverage makes the ideal source of energy boost.

To create this healthy beverage, the ingredients must first be ground into powder before being added to a reactor for heating. Next, they are combined with instant coffee in a mixture that then cooks with instant coffee – this results in a beverage with both rich coffee aroma and beneficial effects on our body from Ganoderma Lucidum as well as Chinese medicines like Cortex Eucommiae Rhizoma Polygonati Radix Codonopsis Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae.

8. Strengthens the Liver

Pioir Ganoderma Coffee can provide numerous health benefits that can help promote good overall health, including increasing immunity, lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure levels, providing antioxidants and plant proteins, and even mitigating side effects from radio- and chemotherapy therapies.

PIOIR 3-IN-1 COFFEE contains a blend of premium coffee beans, cocoa bean powder and Ganoderma lucidum extract for an exquisitely creamy experience with authentic flavor – ideal for anyone sensitive to caffeine! A tasty alternative that provides health benefits as an everyday drink alternative!

Furthermore, this beverage boasts low calories and is naturally sweetened without artificial sweeteners, making it the ideal drink to help individuals lose weight, increase energy and enhance overall health. Iced and cold versions are both available.

9. Boosts Digestion

Ganoderma lucidum mushroom has long been recognized for its ability to strengthen metabolism and boost immunity. Additionally, this powerful tonic helps manage blood pressure, prevent cardiovascular disorders and promote better digestion. One way of enjoying the benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum mushrooms is with a cup of healthy coffee!

Gano iTouch’s PIOIR Coffee is the world’s first healthy coffee grown on certified organic soil and using only filtered water, free from environmental toxins and pesticides – making it safe to be consumed in large amounts.

Pioir coffee 3 in 1 is an irresistibly delicious instant black coffee made with quality beans enriched with Ganoderma lucidum extract and sweetened with natural components, designed to satisfy all your caffeine needs without increasing calories or sugar intake. Packed full of heart-healthy nutrients like omega fatty acids, vitamin B and essential minerals and proteins; Pioir offers several delicious flavors so that everyone can find something perfect! Stop in today to experience our new offerings!