Unleash your inner hero with this potency blend of reishi and maitake mushrooms, rich cocoa nibs, and detoxifying roots from East Asian herbal medicine traditions. Reishi mushrooms and astragalus roots are widely recognized for relieving stress while increasing vitality throughout the body; organic roasted chicory and dandelion root add an additional delicate balance in this tea blend.

Adaptogenic Mushrooms

Adaptogenic mushrooms are special fungi designed to help our bodies adapt to stressors of any kind – physical, emotional or environmental. They’ve been shown to enhance our immune systems, reduce inflammation and promote cognitive health; especially as these fungi contain beta-glucans and polysaccharides which boost immunity while detoxifying by decreasing levels of pro-inflammatory molecules called cytokines found in bloodstream.

Reishi, cordyceps and chaga mushrooms are three of the most potent adaptogenic mushrooms. Reishi is best-known for its anti-ageing and fatigue-reducting effects as well as increasing sexual drive; cordyceps has been shown to increase ATP production and improve oxygen utilization; while chaga is a dark woody fungus found on birch trees that boasts powerful antioxidant properties.

These mushrooms not only possess adaptogenic powers but are packed with beneficial compounds like lion’s mane, turkey tail and maitake that provide additional support for oxidative stress relief and neuroprotection, but are also rich in antioxidants known to lower cholesterol levels and protect livers against toxic damage. Adaptogenic mushrooms provide many essential vitamins such as potassium, calcium, iron and zinc – as well as providing neuroprotective benefits!

These adaptogenic mushrooms come in powder form, making it easy to incorporate them into your diet. From smoothies and hot tea to adding them into desserts and baked goods, adaptogenic mushrooms offer mild earthy notes that pair perfectly with many ingredients. Many adaptogenic mushrooms also come packaged in capsules for convenient take-away use.

Importantly, medicinal mushrooms do not cause psychoactivity – meaning that they will not give users a “high” feeling or cause hallucinations – but can still aid mental and physical performance improvement; often combined with herbs like turmeric or ginger for enhanced results.

Detoxifying Roots

Burdock root may not be the glamorous flower of botanicals, but this humble ground dweller is an incredible detox hero. Packed with antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress while providing digestive tract nutrients and supporting healthy prebiotics for improving your gut microbiome, burdock root helps ensure your first line of defense can fend off seasonal bugs and everyday challenges with ease.

Burdock root is one of the premier liver cleansing herbs, providing your body with an all-around detoxifying boost by encouraging liver function and stimulating bile production. Furthermore, its mild diuretic effects promote urine production while simultaneously facilitating fluid elimination – making it one of the three key players in any effective detox team alongside milk thistle and dandelion root.

Our herbal blends rely on this powerful trio as the cornerstone. Try starting your day right with burdock root and milk thistle to provide a thorough liver cleanse; or switch to an evening detox tea featuring dandelion greens, licorice root, and red clover to keep detox pathways active all night long.

Nettle is an indispensable addition to the detox arsenal, supporting optimal bacteria balance in both the gut and lungs, providing essential nutrient benefits and acting as a natural diuretic to relieve excess fluid build-up and relieve bloat. Nettle works particularly well when combined with dandelion root or burdock root as part of a comprehensive liver detox program, supporting optimal liver health so your body can process toxins effectively and eliminate them effectively from its system.

Rich Cocoa Nibs

Cacao nibs are a healthy, less processed version of chocolate that still boasts impressive nutritional properties. Constructed from pieces of fermented, dried and roasted cocoa beans before being ground into small bits for cracking into small nibs, cocoa nibs boast rich chocolatey flavors while being versatile enough to add into sweet or savory recipes alike. Plus they contain iron, magnesium zinc antioxidants that can lower blood pressure improve heart health reduce chronic inflammation improve mood while supporting your mood and mental well-being!

Cacao, like coffee, is a mild stimulant containing Theobromine which offers similar energy benefits without the accompanying jitters. Cacao nibs contain both soluble and insoluble fiber which help lower cholesterol levels and keep regularity at bay, as well as magnesium and iron which support healthy bones and muscles; they’re also an excellent source of protein which supports lean muscle mass development as well as weight management.

Cocoa and cacao nibs are rich sources of phytochemicals such as flavonoids and polyphenols. Flavonoids found in cacao help prevent cell damage while potentially helping lower blood pressure, reduce heart disease risk and protect against overeating; while polyphenols found in cacao may help suppress appetite preventing overeating and obesity.

Cocoa and cacao have also been proven to support cardiovascular health by lowering triglycerides, blood pressure and blood sugar levels, providing serotonin to boost moods and overall mental well-being.

Cacao and cocoa can be consumed safely by most adults in moderation; however, due to its high amount of saturated fat and caffeine content, cacao may cause digestive problems, including gastrointestinal upset. If pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid cocoa products due to possible laxative properties. Furthermore, any time your pet ingests cocoa or cacao products it should be considered an emergency situation that requires medical assistance immediately as ingestion can lead to pancreatitis, heart failure, coma or even death in extreme cases.

Coffee-Like Taste

East Asian herbal medicine traditions recognize reishi as an adaptogenic herb that reduces stress and boosts vitality. Our Rishi Tea Mushroom Hero Blend features Reishi and Maitake Mushrooms with cocoa nibs, cocoa beans, cocoa nibs, cocoa beans, cocoa nibs and detoxifying roasted Chicory and Dandelion Roots to achieve a perfect balance between taste and mouthfeel, perfect as an espresso alternative or as an ingredient in healthy cocktails and soups! It tastes delicious as an espresso alternative while providing detoxifying properties.

All ingredients in this ketogenic drink are organic, non-GMO and vegan. Furthermore, there are no harmful additives such as non-keto sweeteners and refined oils present. For optimal results, make sure to enjoy it alongside healthy fats like olive oil, grass-fed butter or MCT oil to maximize its effects.