Terry Naturally CuraMed 750 мг комплекса куркумина – 30 мягких таблеток – превосходное усвоение BCM-95 – без ГМО, без глютена, халяль – 30 порций
$49.34 Первоначальная цена составляла: 49,34 доллара.$39.47Текущая цена: $39,47.
Марка | Терри Естественно |
Форма товара | Мягкая таблетка |
Производитель | Терри Естественно |
Товар Количество в упаковке | 1 |
Информация о пакете | бутылка |
- До 700% лучшее поглощение; CuraMed изготовлен из наиболее клинически изученного куркумина с улучшенной абсорбцией в мире (BCM-95); Он в 500 раз эффективнее обычной куркумы!
- Более 85 опубликованных исследований; Этот запатентованный куркумин с улучшенной абсорбцией и эфирным маслом куркумы, содержащим ар-турмерон, стал предметом более 85 новаторских опубликованных исследований.
- Безопасный и эффективный; Комбинация куркумина и эфирного масла куркумы в CuraMed поддерживает здоровье печени, мозга и иммунитета; CuraMed обладает высоким антиоксидантным значением ORAC и поддерживает здоровую реакцию воспаления в результате физических упражнений или чрезмерного использования.
- Разница в высоком качестве; Все добавки Terry Naturally производятся в соответствии со строгими правилами надлежащей производственной практики (cGMP), установленными FDA, и производятся из ингредиентов высочайшего качества.
От бренда
Описание продукта
![Terry Naturally CuraMed 750 mg Curcumin Complex - 30 Softgels - Superior Absorption BCM-95 - Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Halal - 30 Servings 32 Stronger, more effective curcumin](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/aplus-media-library-service-media/075b945b-1d7f-4534-a906-9a3abfdd35ac.__CR0,0,970,600_PT0_SX970_V1___.jpg)
![Terry Naturally CuraMed 750 mg Curcumin Complex - 30 Softgels - Superior Absorption BCM-95 - Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Halal - 30 Servings 33 Count on CuraMed](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/aplus-media-library-service-media/9138eb7b-f015-44ce-93c7-b88450a7bec5.__CR0,0,970,600_PT0_SX970_V1___.jpg)
Один ингредиент. Множественные преимущества.
Здоровье мозга* |
Здоровье печени* |
Иммунное здоровье* |
Здоровая реакция на воспаление*2 |
Что сочетать с комплексом куркумина CuraMed 750 мг?
![Terry Naturally CuraMed 750 mg Curcumin Complex - 30 Softgels - Superior Absorption BCM-95 - Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Halal - 30 Servings 38 Disclaimers](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/aplus-media-library-service-media/eba1d2dc-cd5c-4ba6-9315-b7cb8070d5c3.__CR0,0,970,300_PT0_SX970_V1___.png)
Важная информация
Информация по технике безопасности
Продукция бренда Terry Naturally содержит натуральные и другие ингредиенты премиум-класса.
Запатентованный комплекс [экстракт корневища куркумина (Curcuma longa) (BCM-95/Curcugreen), обогащенный эфирным маслом куркумы и стандартизированный по комплексу куркуминоидов (куркумин, деметоксикуркумин и бисдеметоксикуркумин), фосфолипидам (из лецитина подсолнечника), содержащий 500 мг чистых куркуминоидов], триглицериды со средней длиной цепи, желатин, глицерин, пчелиный воск, очищенная вода, куркума в подсолнечном масле (цветная капсула), диоксид кремния.
Схема проезда
От 1 до 2 мягких таблеток в день. Этот запатентованный комплекс обеспечивает повышенную биодоступность и длительное время удержания в организме с использованием запатентованной технологии.
Юридическая оговорка
† Случайное воспаление из-за физических упражнений или чрезмерного употребления ^На основании улучшенного усвоения куркумина CuraMed по сравнению с капсулой эквивалентного веса нестандартизированной куркумы, содержащей 2% куркумина. *Эти заявления не были оценены FDA. Этот продукт не предназначен для диагностики, лечения или предотвращения каких-либо заболеваний.
Заявления относительно пищевых добавок не были проверены FDA и не предназначены для диагностики, лечения или предотвращения каких-либо заболеваний или состояний здоровья.
Дополнительная информация
Вес | 0,15 фунта |
Размеры | 2,13 × 2,13 × 4,06 дюйма |
Размеры продукта | 2,13 х 2,13 х 4,06 дюйма; 2,4 унции |
Номер модели товара | B001J1PW9I |
Дата первого появления | 2 октября 2001 г. |
КАК В | B001J1PW9I |
Производитель | Терри Естественно |
10 отзывов наTerry Naturally CuraMed 750 мг комплекса куркумина – 30 мягких таблеток – превосходное усвоение BCM-95 – без ГМО, без глютена, халяль – 30 порций
Только авторизованные клиенты, купившие этот товар, могут оставить отзыв.
ГрамБББ -
Amazingly helpful in reducing inflammation and therefore, pain! Curamed has all but eliminated my chronic back pain! and made my life so much better! I’ve recommended and given this product to several friends and family. Without exception, this product has been helpful! Here’s a summary of our individual stories.1- I’m 60. I take a 375 mg 2 x a day with food because I think the 1/2 dose twice a day works better for me than 1 750 1x a day. AND it’s a food product that is usually consumed WITH and IN prepared foods; AND the 375 mg gel-cap is 1/2 size, too). I’ve been using this product for about 7 years, on and off (mostly on) since recovering from two back surgeries in 2007 (had two herniated disks removed after a 4-wheeler accident). I used to buy it in the health food store, but am THRILLED to be able to buy it on Amazon (half the time my health food store was ‘sold out’ when I needed it so that’s why I was ‘off’ occasionally. I notice a difference (on AND off) within 3-5 days, without fail!2-My husband is a truck driver and has had ‘knee problems’ since his 40’s. He’s 67. He reluctantly started taking them in October 2014 (yes, I nagged him…because he was WHINING constantly)! What did he have to lose?! Although he HATES admitting that CuraMed helps him, he has openly admitted that he noticed a gradual improvement over a period of a couple months AND when he quit taking it in December…within 3 days, he started noticing an increase in his pain. He went about 7 days and now he’s taking 750 mg 1 x per day because he ‘hates taking pills”! He wants me to re-order so we don’t run out!3 – My step dad is 83, and he was nearly incapacitated by painful arthritis at Christmas time (2014). I gave him a bottle and he’s been taking it faithfully since Dec 26…he and my mom used to go dancing every Friday night, but they quit going about a year ago…he’s ready to resume dancing! He and my mom are thrilled!4- Our neighbor just bought a new mattress and has REALLY been struggling with back pain that ‘comes and goes” but is chronic at times. My husband told him to ask me about the “big yellow pills” . I gave him 14 of the 750 mg gel-caps and the bottle and he is noticing a difference. He thinks is’s probably 50% new mattress and 50% ‘yellow pills”, but he’s convinced enough to have me order him his own bottle.I read some of the 1 star reviews and I definitely think taking the nutrient WITH FOOD and in a smaller dose could help with some of those digestive complaints! Diet changes can create digestive issues (especially in the beginning) but usually lessen over time as our bodies adjust. Just saying….2017… update: Hubby and I are both FAITHFUL CuraMed users, as are several of our family and friends. We take this product with food. I take 375 mgs twice a day, my hubby still relies on 750 mg each morning.
А. Рао -
Let me start by saying, I am in no way affiliated with The company(s) that make or sell this product. That’s too bad actually because then I might be able to buy it at wholesale :(I have very serious psoriatic arthritis [rheumatoid arthritis with symmetrical plaque psoriasis]. I was diagnosed by a blood test in 2002 showing the TNF marker. Although, I didn’t need a blood test to tell me any of this, as I [at 42 years old] could not walk, dress myself, or even hold a tooth brush. All my joints [from my toes to my neck & jaw, spine] we severely swollen with an almost constant pain level of 9. My calves, forearms and scalp were covered with plaque psoriasis.After 2.5 years trying different medications, through my rheumatologist, that either didn’t work or, made me very sick [methotrexate] my insurance company finally okayed me for a biological med called Enbrel. A subcutaneous 25mg, 2x a week injection [done at home]. Cost to me, $30, cost to my ins.co. $1650 per month.After being on Enbrel [a protein of a hamster] for 4.5 years [it worked well for me but was less effective for the later year, maybe 70% effective] & worried about the cost to me after retirement [coming soon], I decided to begin looking for a natural remedy rather than to continue injecting myself with the protein of a foreign species. Again, Enbrel worked but I always saw it as a bridge.After 6 years of research, countless hundreds of hours, maybe thousands, reading, investigating all inflammatory diseases [MS, Crones, asthma, etc] I came across turmeric but, more importantly, BCM-95. Why was this so hard to find???I cannot believe this when I say it out loud but, it is fact. BCM-95 replaced, 100% replaced my Enbrel. No more shots and, after 468 shots to my thighs and stomach, that is a huge relief! Not to mention, being on Enbrel means I have a compromised immune system. Enbrel is an immune system suppressant, which creates its own problems I think you can figure out.I took 1 – 750mg CuraMed and in 1.5 hours all my inflammation was gone. That was day one. Months later, I take between 2 to 3 per day [ 1 every 12 hours or 1 every 8 hours depending on the severity of inflammation on any particular day]. It works and I feel great!!If you have any inflammation issues due to an out of control immune system, I urge you to spend the $60 and try it. The worst thing that can happen is you can cross off your list another natural remedy that didn’t do the job. If I had stopped looking for a natural remedy after buying 20 or 30 different herbs/spices, I never would have found BCM-95. Thank God, He made me like a little pit bull, like Shaun Alexander, hunkered down and pushing ever forward, never stopping, for any reason, until my goal was reached. Touchdown!A HUGH thank-you to all those that worked so hard [and finished organic chemistry] at EuroPharma!!!!!!
Дэниел МакКормик -
Отличный товар по отличной цене в идеальном состоянии с отличной упаковкой для доставки! Пришло, как и было обещано! Отличный сервис! Купил бы у этого продавца снова!
Ли Ховард -
Помогает. Мне нужно подождать дольше.
Прогулочный приятель -
I started taking Curamed 750 mg twice a day approximately 2 months ago. I first purchased it at a health food store after it was recommended for my fibromyalgia pain. The sales person at the health food store went into great detail explaining all of the different types of curcumin and turmeric and what she has experienced herself as well as what she has heard from numerous customers. She knew that since I already experienced considerable pain that the 750 mg would be the best place for me to start and to try 1 in the morning and 1 at night. She said that she has taken for several years and only needs 1 per day but that her husband still takes his twice a day to a very bad knee. It doesn’t seem to build up in your system like some herbs do. Her husband always experiences knee pain when they go for their morning walks if he doesn’t take his Curamed before they walk. I noticed a big difference myself after taking it for just a couple of days. Not only does it help my fibromyalgia but it is amazing how much it has helped the pain I have had in my ankle from a bad fall from over a year ago. I no longer have to take any other pain medication and can walk as much as I like without pain in my ankle and leg. Even my daughter, who has had battled pain in her neck from a car accident years ago could tell a huge difference in her neck pain after she first started taking it. She is able to get by with only 1 a day now, but I still need to take 2 per day. If I forget to take 1 at night I will start experiencing pain in my ankle and leg before morning. I showed my physician what I had started taking and he said that he would much rather have me stay with the Curamed than to take Naproxen or other pain relievers. My physician is always happy when we find a more natural remedy that works. I’ve recommended this product to numerous people already.
Клаудия ДеПьер -
Любить это!
Покупатель -
Продукт был таким, как ожидалось. Новейшая упаковка и свежий продукт.
мх -
работать хорошо. чистый, заслуживающий доверия продукт
Шарлотта -
Я не мог сказать, было ли это эффективно. Мой DIL порекомендовал мне это и сказал, что это здорово.
Мэг -
Это было так, как я ожидал!