Tim begins each evening by taking a long soak in his bathtub using essential oils, Epsom salts and medicinal salts before reading non-fiction books to help him unwind before sleep comes over him.

He takes creatine and ubiquinol supplements as well, which have both been shown to enhance cognitive performance while providing anti-aging properties.


Ferriss is known for his self-experimental pursuit to improve performance and health, including sleep, cognition, muscle recovery and immunity. To enhance his wellbeing he embraces healthy living practices such as taking supplements like fish oil, chaga tea and NAC to optimize cognitive performance and joint function as well as taking curcumin for rapid muscle recovery and cell repair.

Tim utilizes not only brain-boosting supplements in his morning routine but also herbal and tea remedies. One of his favorites is Yerba Mate, which can aid concentration and mental clarity by using Ilex paraguariensis plant twigs and leaves to make this traditional tea blend. If you want to give this herb a try yourself, look for brands which are certified organic and fair trade certified.

As part of his routine, he uses cold showers, which have been found to increase productivity and alertness. For optimal results, he recommends taking an ice bath one hour prior to sleeping; additionally he takes an Epsom Salt or medicinal bath with essential oils and supplements like Iodine or Spirulina; additionally an insulated hot tub filled with Epsom and medicinal Salts or an Ice Bucket is also utilized.


Tim MUSHIX blends premium mushroom products with other ingredients for an amazing tea with an earthy flavor, perfect for those seeking to improve immunity. All ingredients used are carefully selected and tested to ensure quality and safety; natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup may be added for sweetness. It includes anti-inflammatory and immune booster chaga as well as decaffeinated green tea and turmeric which contain antioxidant properties to aid digestion, along with pu-erh aged black tea, dragon well green tea, ginger shavings and pu-erh aged black teas with free caffeine and gluten making it an excellent option for those wanting to avoid coffee.

As well as drinking tea, he takes several supplements. In a 2016 interview he listed curcumin as one of his three top supplements but didn’t specify dose or timing. Fish oil has long been acknowledged for improving cognitive performance and recovery; other notable ones include L-Glutamine for post-workout muscle recovery as well as NAC that assists with glutathione production according to his 2018 podcast interview.

Tim’s morning routine begins with a 22-minute meditation session. To keep his phone off of airplane mode and focus on visual tidiness, his phone stays in airplane mode overnight and put on airplane mode again the morning of. Additionally, Tim attempts movement exercises before breakfast before spending 10 minutes working through his to-do list and reading for 10 minutes; after which, at nighttime, he attempts to relax with some pine needle tea, apple cider vinegar, and honey before winding down with another warm cup!

Nutritional value

Tim Ferriss has become well-known for his tireless self-experimentation to identify optimal supplements, habits and routines to optimize sleep, cognition, performance and immunity. A big proponent of tea as food with powerful health benefits – specifically chaga mushroom which boasts powerful immune-enhancing qualities; Tim highly recommends purchasing decaf, high quality chaga tea which has been lab tested for heavy metals as part of his regimen.

As well as tea, he also uses nutritional supplements like fish oil and curcumin for its wide-ranging health benefits, including improved cognition and mental clarity. In a 2016 interview he listed fish oil among his top three supplements (alongside curcumin and medium-chain triglycerides).

Tim’s nighttime routine involves snacking on an apple with five to eight almonds or a mandarin orange with some peanut butter – this helps prevent low blood sugar levels after sleeping which could otherwise lead to poor performance and lethargy. He then listens to podcasts or reads non-fiction books in order to relax and get restful sleep.

He takes a greens powder that contains curcumin, spirulina, pu-erh aged black tea, dragon well green tea and ginger shavings; according to him this provides multiple nutritional benefits including anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and digestive support. Furthermore, it is third party tested for heavy metals and contaminants. Champignon Brands takes an approach similar to this when overseeing R&D activities with experts from medicine, psychology and mycology working alongside each other on research activities.


Champignon recognizes that undertaking such complex research requires expert guidance and oversight, which is why an advisory board comprised of professionals from medicine, psychology, mycology and pharmacology will be established to oversee its products’ safety and efficacy while assuring customers and investors of scientifically sound research initiatives undertaken by their company.

Champignon’s board will play an essential role in ensuring its mushrooms are thoroughly tested and labeled, which is particularly vital since some individuals could suffer adverse side effects due to improper dosage or misuse of psychedelics – this includes those living with existing health conditions like depression or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Ferriss discussed his life as both a child prodigy and entrepreneur during this interview, including early failures and dark times he experienced, such as contemplating suicide for the first time (which he revealed during a 2015 Reddit Ask Me Anything session). To overcome obstacles he encountered during these times he employed strategies such as going on a ketogenic diet with synthetic ketone supplements as well as meditation as well as comprehensive blood workups to get through tough patches in life.