Trademo Intelligence – Organo Gold International Mexico S De Rl De Cv
Trademo Intel is committed to gathering Organo Gold International Mexico S De Rl De Cv import-export shipment data from various public and private sources for analysis, providing greater insights into global trade. This data is then standardised and normalised so as to give greater insights.
Contrary to the non-compete clause in Organo Gold’s Policies and Procedures, its Distributor Application includes no geographic restrictions for its non-compete clause. Instead, it prohibits terminated distributors from “participating in any opportunity that directly competes with Organo Gold in offering Ganoderma-based products”.
What is ganoderma?
Ganoderma is a globally distributed genus of wood-decaying basidiomycete fungi. Most species are pathogenic and cause root and stem rot in monocots, dicots and gymnosperms; other victims include oil palm, rubber and betelnut plants along with forest trees such as Acacia cineraria. Others can be saprophytic and cause white rot in timber, though others are used medicinally for centuries – especially in China and Japan. Preparations made from this fungus, commonly known in Asia as Lingzhi or Munnertake or Sachitake or Reishi or Youngzhi, have been shown to be effective against cancer and chronic fatigue. This effect is thought to be the result of its polysaccharides and polysaccharidic compounds as well as various terpenoids and organic molecules present within its biology.
Ganoderma is an expansive genus with roughly 200 species found worldwide that exhibit considerable morphological variation, leading to difficulties when trying to identify species based solely on morphological features. Further compounding this confusion are some morphological characters used for identification that change under different growing conditions – further compounding identification difficulties for newcomers to the field.
Molecular analyses have confirmed the considerable genetic diversity within Ganoderma lucidum and established its classification into clade-based taxonomies. Furthermore, some morphologically identical samples labelled G. lucidum in Europe and North America were found to belong to separate clades; moreover some Chinese-cultivated samples had closer genetic similarity than European/North American ones labeled as such – an important finding considering claims made about its therapeutic benefits.
However, it is evident that Organo’s non-compete clause at issue in this case primarily serves to protect their network of distributors and customers selling ganoderma products; consequently it would be reasonable for Organo to enforce it. Furthermore, TLC cannot claim it does not qualify as a direct competitor since only limited numbers of ganoderma-based products exist with TLC marketing itself differently than Organo does.
What is Organo Gold?
Organo Gold is a multi-level marketing coffee and product business offering products infused with Ganoderma. They provide instant coffee, tea capsules and other beverages as well as skin care and nutrition products to their customers.
This product is derived from Ganoderma Lucidum, an ancient Chinese herb widely believed to contain healing properties. According to its manufacturer, their product can improve health and well-being by creating balance, encouraging a healthy lifestyle and expanding spirituality.
The Court grants plaintiff’s motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction, with conditions. Both parties shall engage in nonbinding mediation prior to initiating any arbitration or other proceedings; should this fail, any disputes may be submitted for binding arbitration in the United States District Court for Central District of California-Los Angeles Division where their award would govern any further disputes between them.
How much does Organo Gold cost?
The Distributor Application and Policies and Procedures require parties to attempt to resolve disputes amicably through nonbinding mediation. However, nothing in these documents prohibits Organo from seeking injunctive relief from any court having jurisdiction in order to safeguard and protect its interests before, during, and following filing any arbitration or other proceedings (Dkt # 10).
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