Ganoderma (Reishi) has long been revered in Chinese culture as a powerful healing mushroom, being considered “the mushroom of immortality.” Reishi promotes wellness, health, and longevity while acting as an adaptogen that helps the body adapt to stressors and restore balance to immune systems. Furthermore, Reishi can improve cardiovascular and liver health, provide anti-ageing benefits, as well as increase energy levels.

Reishi mushrooms have long been recognized for their potential to improve human health. Reishi extract is found in numerous beverages, supplements and cosmetics sold both in Asia and North America; Ganoderma coffee offers another unique way to enjoy this beverage and reap its potential health benefits.

Organo’s patented process enables them to harvest reishi with 99.9% open spores for use in their coffees and other products – this ensures you receive maximum benefits from it!

Reishi was traditionally utilized in China for its immune-enhancing benefits; however, recent studies reveal it may also provide other potential advantages. Reishi has been linked with lowering blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health; additionally it may help treat chronic fatigue syndrome characterized by extreme tiredness and fatigue that does not subside; provide a calming effect and even assist with sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Reishi can stimulate the production of new brain and nervous system cells, helping reduce memory loss and enhance cognitive performance. Furthermore, its antioxidant properties may provide protection from free radical damage in the body.

Although further study needs to be completed on the topic, reishi has already shown promise as an anti-cancer remedy. The fungus appears to inhibit tumor growth, induce cell death and modulate immune response – all qualities which make reishi an invaluable asset in fighting cancer and can be taken as part of an holistic treatment and prevention strategy.

At home, you can make your own Ganoderma coffee using high-quality green coffee and Reishi extract. Once combined, simply customize with sweeteners and creamers of choice to produce an energizing cup that contains natural Reishi benefits that is sure to help boost morning energy or help combat afternoon slumps.

If you prefer not to spend the time and effort creating your own Ganoderma coffee, some stores offer pre-mixed sachets of it ready to enjoy wherever and whenever. Not only can this save time, but these pre-packed packs can be found with skincare products infused with Ganoderma as well as supplements designed to assist your overall wellness journey!