Most consumers don’t give much thought when it comes to purchasing coffee, yet organic farming methods have an incredible effect on both its nutritional benefits and environmental sustainability. Furthermore, buying organic makes an impactful statement about respecting those involved with its creation – starting long before your local coffee shop or grocery store even stocks it! There’s a distinct difference between organic and non-organic coffee that starts long before your local cafe or store offers their offerings.

The USDA mandates that to qualify as organic, products must meet stringent guidelines at every step of production, from cultivation of land through packaging. Coffee must be grown on land without chemicals and pesticides and farmers must utilize natural fertilizer options such as chicken manure, coffee pulp or bocachi as natural fertilizers and use methods like gas flame tongs or animal consumption to remove weeds naturally – otherwise its certification as organic will be forfeited. If any rules are broken in any way then certification cannot occur and cannot be awarded as such certification cannot occur and certification cannot occur –

Organic coffee beans tend to be shade-grown, meaning that they spend more time growing slowly in a protected environment. This method helps with natural pest control and nutrient absorption while simultaneously encouraging biodiversity within the ecosystem. On the other hand, large sun-grown plantations often deplete soil quickly while demanding significant quantities of water for maintenance purposes.

Organic crops must also be produced without chemical fertilizers or herbicides, creating a healthier environment free from harmful toxins, while simultaneously helping coffee plants reach full development to yield delicious tasting and nutritional beans.

People often opt for organic coffee due to the belief that it is better for the environment, while also supporting those who work on coffee farms to cultivate our favorite drink. Non-organic farms may utilize harsh chemicals which could potentially harm workers and the surrounding community while organic farms strive to improve working and living conditions of those responsible for growing beans into our daily cups of java.

At first glance, our world seems vast and daunting; but everything starts with taking small steps forward to create significant change. Beginning your day right can start by choosing organic coffee as it’s deliciously simple way to support our planet and its inhabitants’ wellbeing and well-being – not solving all its issues, but at least taking steps in that direction!