Coffee has long been part of daily routines and can provide numerous health benefits, but it should also be acknowledged that excess consumption can have its drawbacks; specifically in terms of calories and sugar intake resulting in weight gain as well as other negative health outcomes. Therefore, it’s essential that consumers be mindful about what goes into their cup of joe to maximize its beneficial properties.

Coffee provides more than just caffeine; it contains essential minerals like magnesium and potassium as well as antioxidants that have been linked to lower risk of heart disease and cancers. Although it’s best to drink your coffee black, if that doesn’t sit well with you try switching out creamer for low calorie dairy alternatives such as almond or oat based milk alternatives instead – both contain significantly fewer calories and fat content compared to their full-fat counterparts which may pack on extra pounds!

If you prefer your coffee with an added kick, instead of reaching for sugar-laden syrups opt for spices as an exciting and healthy way to enhance its taste and provide essential vitamins and minerals at once! There are a wide array of spice mixes available at most supermarkets that can add deliciously fragrant spice blends while giving your morning beverage an added punch of flavor and essential vitamins and minerals!

This hack offers an easy and efficient way to reduce calorie consumption in your coffee drink, and may also support blood pressure and cholesterol regulation while decreasing risk for heart disease and diabetes.

Recent studies revealed that those who regularly consumed sweetened coffee had an estimated 30% lower risk of death during the study period compared with those who never consumed any sweetened beverages at all. If you want to live longer, make it part of your routine to add this healthy habit into your life!