Organic coffee may cost more, but it’s an investment in both farmers who produce it and in their environment. Without pesticide use required for production, organic coffee allows soils to retain more nutrients while helping prevent runoff polluting waterways or penetrating groundwater reserves.

Coffee beans or grounds that carry one or more certification labels such as USDA-Certified Organic, Fair Trade Certified and Rainforest Alliance or Smithsonian Bird Friendly can help you identify high-quality organic brands. All these certifications indicate sustainable farming methods which should result in fair wages for workers.

Organic coffee brands that pride themselves on producing premium products utilize third-party testing for mycotoxins (natural fungal byproducts of mold) to ensure that their products are free from these potentially dangerous toxins, known as ochratoxins, aflatoxins, rubratoxins and vomitoxins – known collectively as mycotoxin levels in organic coffee are kept to an absolute minimum by controlling moisture levels during production and storage processes.

Another key trait of high-quality organic coffee is single origin and shade-grown beans. This means the beans were sourced from one region and grown under trees to slow their growth for enhanced flavors and more complex aromas. Once harvested, these beans should then be roasted at low levels so as to preserve these subtle profiles.

Stumptown Coffee Company is one of the best-known organic coffee brands, known for their diverse roast selection that spans from light to dark roasts. Their organic Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee features floral, fruit and sweet herbal notes while their robust fair trade and sustainability program supports local communities.

Whole Foods Market is a well-recognized grocery market name, so it should come as no surprise that they provide their own USDA Organic and Fairtrade certified coffee which comes either whole bean or ground form, perfect for cold brew brewing.

The Grizzly Claw Organic Dark Roast coffee is an exquisite organic dark roast coffee, perfect for French press and drip brewing methods. Boasting cocoa, brown sugar, nut, and very little acidity flavors with little acidity content; the blend boasts 60mg per ounce. Also referred to as Death Wish it may not be for everyone’s palate!