Mushroom coffee has long been touted for its purported brain-enhancing effects and stress relieving properties, yet many remain unaware of what constitutes mushroom coffee and whether or not its claims can actually be fulfilled.

Manufacturers create mushroom coffee by drying and grinding different species of mushrooms (including lion’s mane, chaga, turkey tail and reishi) before extracting their beneficial compounds and mixing them in 1:1 ratio with either ground coffee or instant coffee – producing an earthier, nutty-flavored beverage similar to regular coffee that’s available as premade latte blends, grounds or instant packets.

Mushrooms contain many healthy compounds, including antioxidants, that may improve digestion, boost immunity and delay aging. Unfortunately, there has not been enough well-designed clinical research done to demonstrate whether the benefits of mushrooms remain after being added to coffee mixes; furthermore, which specific mushrooms are included can affect how potency their health effects are; certain varieties have stronger benefits than others.

Reishi mushrooms have long been used to reduce cortisol levels and regulate sleep-wake cycles, while chaga mushrooms can help fight inflammation and support immune function. But not all types of the same mushroom offer equal benefits – dosing is also key!

Mushroom-infused coffee has long been promoted as an all-natural cancer fighter, with some studies suggesting it may reduce nausea, diarrhea, anemia and insomnia that accompany some cancer treatments. Unfortunately, not all types of mushrooms used in mushroom coffee fit this profile; further investigation will likely be necessary before it can be verified.

Due to some mushroom ingredients (particularly chaga) being high in oxalates that have been linked with kidney stone formation, it’s wise to consult your physician prior to trying any new mushroom coffee products, particularly if you have had kidney problems in the past or take certain prescription medicines.

Overall, experts suggest that mushroom coffee may be worth exploring if you want something a bit different, particularly if caffeine sensitivity or looking to reduce stress and promote sleep is an issue for you. Just read carefully the product label to make sure there’s not too much oxalates present and avoid it if pregnant/breastfeeding or have digestive issues or are breastfeeding; don’t expect the same energy boost that comes from regular coffee as mushroom coffee is generally lower in caffeine content than its counterpart.