what is reishi coffee

Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) mushrooms have long been revered in Asian culture. Sometimes referred to as “Queen of Mushrooms” or the “Mushroom of Immortality”, these legendary tonic mushrooms are revered for boosting energy, reducing stress and anxiety, promoting restful sleep, promoting longevity, and more.

One of the easiest ways to access the benefits of Reishi is with Reishi Coffee, a blend of premium quality coffee mixed with powdered Reishi Extract powder. Many opt for this mushroom coffee alternative instead of their daily caffeine fix for an energetic start to their day.

An internet search of “reishi coffee” yields numerous dubious recipes for instant coffee-mushroom blends, but the ideal method of creating this drink involves high-quality brewed coffee combined with an extract powder from Reishi fruit body and mycelial biomass, in order to maximize immune-modulating beta-glucans, triterpenes and other bioactive compounds present.

Reishi coffee may contain caffeine, but many find its energy boost is more balanced than that found in traditional coffee, which often has high acidity levels. To limit caffeine intake, consider switching to decaf coffee reishi brew or searching for one with third-party testing for purity to make sure only specific species of reishi are contained in your extract purchase.