What is Reishi Coffee?
Reishi Coffee
Reishi Coffee offers an instant energy boost that’s the ideal way to start your day right. Crafted from freeze-dried Colombian coffee and powdered extract from Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), one of the oldest and most revered tonic mushrooms used by traditional Asian herbalists since 2 millennia ago, Reishi is considered an instant energy booster!
Reishi mushrooms have long been revered for their health benefits and widely utilized around the world. Most commonly sold as supplements or capsules, Reishi can also be found in drinks like Reishi tea or Coffee; however, their effectiveness tends to vary based on how it’s extracted and combined with other ingredients.
Reishi coffee should only contain high-grade, premium ingredients such as reishi mushrooms. Furthermore, other beneficial mushrooms and herbs will be included to provide an all-round health benefit and prevent potential side effects from adding additives such as sugar, non-dairy creamer or artificial ingredients. It is important that it is grown under the guidance of experienced mycologists to ensure the appropriate species have been grown with sufficient testing of safety standards in place.
Coffee for LifeTM is a delicious and healthy morning elixir with the taste of smooth filter or lighter espresso, yet with significantly reduced acidity thanks to gentle post-roast processing of its coffee beans. As such, it makes an ideal solution for those sensitive to high acidity levels in regular coffee while simultaneously giving an energy boost at the same time.