What is the Healthiest Organic Coffee?
Organic or conventional, coffee provides essential vitamins and antioxidants. Some people may be concerned about mycotoxins (mold toxins), which may be present in certain crops and have adverse health effects like digestive distress, fatigue and immune deficiency.
Lifeboost coffee is mycotoxin-free, sustainably sourced and third-party tested to meet strict quality criteria. They also offer Fair Trade Certified varieties from Rainforest Alliance as well as Smithsonian Bird Friendly certified varieties for an additional layer of protection.
Organic coffee is one way to support sustainable farming practices that are beneficial to both farmers and the planet. Organically-grown coffee also avoids synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers that have been linked to health concerns like cancer, heart disease and immune system weakness.
Although organic coffee may provide numerous health and taste advantages over its conventionally-grown counterparts, no scientific proof exists to back this claim up. Many coffee drinkers do claim that the flavor profile of organically-grown beans is smoother, richer and without an unpleasant bitter aftertaste.
To meet USDA organic certification, coffee bean production must adhere to stringent standards set forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). There are three categories of organic certification: Made with Organic Ingredients, Certified Organic and USDA Organic; of which USDA Organic certification is the most prevalent choice as only 70% of ingredients must be organic in order for certification to take place.
Organic coffee of the highest quality should also be certified fair trade, so as to guarantee farmers receive a fair price for their beans and can invest it back into their communities. Other third-party certifications worth looking out for include Rainforest Alliance and Smithsonian Bird Friendly which help preserve habitats and reduce biodiversity loss.
To select the ideal organic coffee, look for coffee products certified organic and fair trade with third-party testing for mycotoxins (fungal toxins). Lifeboost’s commitment to purity and quality is unparalleled: their beans come from small farms in Nicaragua that are completely mold and mycotoxin free with an exceptional flavorful experience. Other great organic coffee brands to check out include Four Sigmatic with nootropics added for cognitive enhancement as well as Wellsley Farms with sustainable farming and artisanally roasted options.
Fair Trade
When looking for the healthiest coffee, there are a variety of factors to keep in mind. Organically produced beans not only lack pesticides and herbicides, but are grown without synthetic fertilizers, thus contributing to biodiversity within their immediate environment and soil.
Organic coffee is typically grown under shade to help preserve soil quality and water availability while protecting plants from excessive sun exposure and mold/mycotoxin accumulation. Furthermore, organic farmers employ agroforestry techniques in their farms’ surrounding environment such as biodiversity protection, habitat restoration and sustainable farming methods – including biodiversity preservation measures like biodiversity protection.
Fair trade certification is an international system designed to increase international trading equity. It guarantees stable prices for farmers and their communities, provides workplace protections and fosters environmental sustainability, all while prohibiting child labor.
Look for Fair Trade certified coffee and products whenever purchasing coffee beans or ground coffee. When possible, buy organic Fair Trade certified products in smaller batches that you can consume within several weeks to maintain freshness. When storing coffee in sealed containers with one-way valves that allows carbon dioxide to escape while simultaneously blocking oxygen entry can help preserve freshness.
Though it may be difficult to locate certified organic, shade-grown and Fair Trade coffee in grocery stores, there are various online and local shops that specialize in such beverages. If you have the time, make an effort to visit small, independent coffee shops which source their beans directly from farmers. These vendors are often best equipped to provide you with a range of flavors, and can explain details about their relationship with growers – including whether or not they provide training and support to women farmers. When buying directly from farmers, ask about their sustainability and environmental stewardship programs, such as their work with regenerative agriculture techniques and community development projects. This will give an indication of their commitment to both their suppliers and customers.
Shade Grown
Though the differences may seem minor, they can have major ramifications. Shade grown coffee farming practices provide more environmentally sustainable ecosystems that support insects, birds and other organisms while helping reduce carbon dioxide levels and soil erosion. Furthermore, shade grown coffee typically features organic cultivation without harmful chemicals that might otherwise contaminate it.
Shade grown coffee tends to cost more than its direct-sun counterpart, but its extra cost helps support small farmers, often family owned and run operations, survive.
Shade grown coffee has many environmental and flavor advantages over conventionally produced varieties, as it matures more slowly under shade cover, which increases natural sugars that produce smoother and less acidic taste. Furthermore, shade cover promotes healthy soil conditions and encourages insect pollinators activity which benefits both environment and coffee plants alike.
Factors that influence the final flavor of coffee include growing conditions, bean size and roasting technique. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to accurately judge how a particular cup tastes without tasting it directly – some coffee drinkers claim that organic shade grown coffee tastes superior but no scientific data supports this claim.
If you are interested in purchasing shade-grown coffee, look for labels indicating it is organic and fair trade. Furthermore, purchasing from countries known for producing it such as southern Mexico, El Salvador, Peru, Nicaragua or Guatemala would all typically produce this variety.
Keep your shade grown, organic coffee fresh by purchasing smaller batches and using a one-way valve bag to allow carbon dioxide out while blocking oxygen entry – this will keep it tasting great for longer. Furthermore, try not to purchase large amounts of coffee until you can consume it quickly (ie within several weeks).
Holistic Roasters’ Biodynamic Coffee offers some of the cleanest and best tasting organic coffee on the market, thanks to regenerative farming practices that support natural fertility of soil and forbid chemical fertilizers – better for farmers, the environment and most importantly your health! Plus it’s certified USDA Organic, Fair Trade Specialty Grade and Demeter Biodynamic.
Biodynamic coffee is grown at high elevations (5,700+ feet) under the shade of native trees for maximum flavor without bitterness. Biodynamic farmers also utilize minimal water usage and pesticide use promoting sustainable agriculture – an excellent option for supporting local family farms while their beans have also been tested by third parties to detect mycotoxins.
Coffee is one of the most heavily sprayed crops, yet is protected from toxic chemicals by its fruit and inner husks, with any remaining chemicals burned off during roasting. Not all brands offer equal organic versus non-organic coffee experiences: Some say organic tastes smoother with subtler flavors than non-organic counterparts, while others find it burnt or bland tasting. No scientific proof exists regarding nutritional benefits associated with organically produced food products; nonetheless many believe they taste superior.