Are You Enjoying Your Morning Cup of Joe Without Thinking About the Farming Methods Behind it? Unfortunately, coffee is one of the world’s most heavily chemically treated crops; conventionally grown coffee uses synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides which have negative impacts on farmers, environmental conditions and your family’s health.

Switching to organically grown coffee is an excellent way to bring positive change into your life; but before making this leap, there are a few considerations you should keep in mind first.

What constitutes organic coffee? In order to be certified organic, beans must be grown and harvested without using synthetic chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides or fungicides for at least three years prior to cultivation. Furthermore, there must be a buffer zone between any conventionally grown crops and your own crop for your own protection; then processed by mill, import company and roaster all adhering to stringent standards in order to be awarded with organic label.

Organic coffee tends to cost more than its non-organic counterpart due to the extra labor required in maintaining an organic farm, as well as paperwork and inspection costs associated with being certified organic. But keep in mind that when purchasing certified organic coffee, not only are you supporting your own health by avoiding harmful chemicals that could linger in your body but you are also supporting farmers worldwide who depend on this crop as an income source and their families’ wellbeing.

Many coffee enthusiasts choose organic products because they view them as sustainable practices that support the health and well-being of those involved in the supply chain. Furthermore, organic coffee farmers typically adhere to fair trade standards which guarantee higher wages for employees.

Another advantage to purchasing organic coffee is that it usually comes from a cooperative that practices ethical trading. Since supply chains extend far beyond coffee farms alone, it is vitally important that we support companies that take the time and effort to treat their suppliers fairly.

Although it may seem like a minor accomplishment, it truly is remarkable to be able to wake up each morning and drink coffee produced by friends, neighbors and family that together work towards building a better world. So take pride in what’s going into your body each time you grab a mug from your cupboard knowing that one cup at a time you are making a difference and contributing towards changing our planet together!