What Mushroom Coffee Should I Buy?
Mushroom coffee combines coffee beans with ground medicinal mushrooms and extracts for natural health benefits. It typically contains less caffeine than traditional coffee, helping reduce risk of jitters or any negative side effects; its unique blend may also help manage stress, boost immunity or promote mental clarity.
As mushroom coffee products are readily available both online and at stores, some brands provide subscription services for them. Mushroom coffee can be prepared using any number of methods from drip coffee makers to French presses, hot and cold brew methods or anything in between; simply find one that best fits your method of preparation! Most mushroom coffees consist of an even mix of beans, extracts and energy-boosting ingredients; with some offering higher concentrations of beta-glucans to support immune function and blood sugar regulation.
Considering your diet and lifestyle when selecting mushroom coffee is key. If you have food restrictions like allergies or intolerances, reading ingredient lists carefully is key – for instance avoiding those containing collagen (Laird Superfood Perform Functional Mushroom Coffee contains this) can add protein and calories, while MCT oil increases fat intake significantly; and you should also steer clear from products with Chaga mushrooms which contain high oxalates levels which could potentially cause kidney issues.
A variety of mushrooms can make an enormous difference to any blend, as certain strains support cognitive function while others like lion’s mane, cordyceps and maitake can reduce inflammation. Chaga is especially known for its anti-inflammatory effects and can be found on cold climate birch trees – it’s usually made into tea or used in skincare products but also available as mushroom powder.
Other popular ingredients used to improve flavor and reap more health benefits from mushroom blends include turmeric, cinnamon and black pepper. Some brands may also utilize coconut oil’s MCTs, which aid digestion while increasing energy levels; although consuming small amounts is safe for most individuals; those on ketogenic diets should limit how much coconut oil they consume every day.
Review the product’s claims as well. While many providers of mushroom coffee make lofty health claims, these may not have been supported by scientific studies and the products can often be more costly compared to regular coffee, rendering them unaffordable for some individuals.