Dean Cycon launched Dean’s Beans in 1993 after years as an environmental and indigenous rights attorney, with the mission of showing that for-profit businesses could use ethical business practices that respected nature, farmers, workers and workers at origin.

Organic is more than a way of farming; it’s a vision for how we want the world to look in the future. Going organic goes beyond simply eliminating synthetic chemicals; rather, it means encouraging biodiversity through healthy ecosystems by encouraging biodiversity. Such ecosystems benefit both human society and nature alike – providing natural water filters, helping stabilize global temperatures, retaining soil moisture levels for longer, reducing fertilizer needs and eliminating fertilizer use altogether. Furthermore, most organic farms utilize shade farming practices, thus eliminating pesticide use altogether; shade forests also help control insect and soil disease pests naturally while bird populations act like natural pesticide-controlling agents when used against insect and soil disease pests!

Las Lajas in El Salvador and a family farm in Panama are two examples of sustainable sourcing partners that we work with, to ensure they use environmentally-friendly practices in growing coffee. Reusing honey water and coffee pulp as organic fertilizer helps preserve ecosystems while saving water, and ensures their crop remains profitable into future generations. Through our work they have continued organic production despite coca cultivation rapidly expanding around them – no small feat in an environment with such rapid expansion!