No matter your coffee preference or lactose intolerance status, adding creamer is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to enhance its taste. But which creamer should you pick? Many conventional non-dairy creamers contain harmful additives such as vegetable oils and added sugars which could undo research-backed health benefits of your morning beverage. Luckily there are healthy alternatives available on the market; just read labels carefully for ingredients you recognize before selecting your creamer!

The best creamers contain both dairy- and plant-based ingredients, with no artificial flavors or thickeners added to them. Furthermore, they should have no more than 2 grams of saturated fat and 4 grams of added sugar per tablespoon and no carrageenan, an additive which could cause digestive problems for some individuals.

If you want a sugar-free way of sweetening your coffee, consider liquid creamers containing stevia extract or another low-cal sweetener, such as Truvia or Splenda Stevia French Vanilla Liquid Drops. Both options can also be used in hot or cold beverages – making them great options when traveling!

Lactose-intolerant individuals generally can enjoy any dairy or nondairy creamer as long as it contains no more than 3 grams of sugar per serving and no carrageenan. If possible, opting for creamers such as Bulletproof’s MCT oil (or POW’s Butter-rich option), both which contain butyric acid-rich components could potentially help prevent insulin spikes and prevent sudden drops in energy levels.

MCT oil may help to prevent blood sugar spikes, while butter’s fatty acids may slow digestion to promote feelings of fullness. But beware: Oat milk in certain options could still increase your blood sugar if consumed without pairing it with protein or healthy fats; to get optimal results from using an oat creamer, be sure to combine its consumption with a meal that provides additional healthy benefits.

When purchasing dairy-based coffee creamers, be sure to read the label and avoid products containing seed oils (like soybean or sunflower oil) that add an irresistibly creamy mouthfeel, but may contain polyunsaturates found in processed vegetable oils like trans fats that may contribute to inflammation, obesity and various chronic diseases. For maximum health benefits, select traditional creamers made with grass-fed milk with no additional sweeteners or thickening agents added for thickening purposes.