No clear-cut answer exists when it comes to which beverage is healthier – coffee or hot chocolate. Both have both positive and negative health implications depending on how much each substance is consumed in its various forms, from coffee to hot chocolate and more recently tea and water. Hot chocolate offers more vitamins than coffee does including B12, B2, D3, A3, zinc iron phosphorus copper plus less saturated fats for weight loss, cardiovascular health benefits and diabetes benefits; moreover it contains Theobromine which acts similarly but at lower doses than caffeine.

On the other hand, sugary hot chocolate is an unhealthy drink made up of cocoa powder, milk, sugar, preservatives, colors and other chemicals – including more calories than coffee! As well as being more calorific than coffee it has also been linked with obesity leading to various health issues including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Cocoa beans contain theobromine and other flavinoids which offer many health advantages, including improved blood pressure and heart rate, dilatation of arteries and vessels long term and mood elevating effects. Furthermore, their antioxidant content helps prevent cancer while improving mental acuity.

Coffee has been shown to improve focus, reduce fatigue and act as an appetite suppressant while serving as a mild diuretic, thus helping decrease depression while increasing energy levels.

Tea is an effective natural relaxant and may help ease anxiety. Additionally, tea contains Vitamin C which aids immune function as well as antioxidants which may prevent certain diseases. Drinking too much tea could result in stomach acidity issues if taken in excess.

Iced coffee is typically more costly than hot coffee due to having to be prepared in large batches, taking more time and costing more money, plus being stored in a cooler. On the other hand, hot tea can be served in smaller quanities without needing to be brewed large quantities which makes it less costly overall. Iced coffee may be more costly due to extra ingredients used compared to regular tea (such as adding cream and sugar for instance) which can quickly add up over time and may contain artificial sweeteners which aren’t as healthy for you either!