No matter if you prefer your coffee with cream and sugar or black and bitter, plain coffee remains one of the healthiest choices available to us. Although specialty lattes aren’t exactly nutritional options, black coffee has been proven to boost metabolism significantly. Black coffee is packed with antioxidants that may protect against heart disease and even help prevent dementia, but which type is the most appropriate? Cold brew or regular? Cold brew coffee stands out as an especially nutritious beverage if you suffer from sensitive stomachs, since its less acidic composition makes digestion simpler. Yet it still contains all of its heart-healthy polyphenols and metabolism-enhancing caffeine benefits!

Although this question’s answer will depend on an individual’s caffeine tolerance and sensitivity, research indicates that iced coffee is generally lower in caffeine than its hot counterpart due to dilution from its inclusion of ice cubes – thus decreasing overall caffeine content in a cup.

Notably, caffeine tolerance and sensitivity depend upon several other factors, including genetics, age, health conditions, exercise and diet. As an average guideline though, an 8-oz cup of iced coffee usually contains 80-100mg, while hot coffee typically has around 120mg.

Hot or cold coffee can help improve your mood and stave off depression and anxiety by providing energy as well as relieving symptoms of depression or anxiety. Caffeine’s stimulating effect works by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine while encouraging your brain to release other neurotransmitters which increase energy. Coffee may also promote digestive function by relieving symptoms associated with acid reflux such as heartburn.

Both types of coffee can help you shed fat. The caffeine present can stimulate your body to increase the rate at which it burns calories and speed up weight loss efforts. Just be wary when adding too much milk or sugar as this could increase calorie consumption and make losing weight harder!

Experts recognize the antioxidant-rich properties of both warm and cold brew coffee are part of a nutritious diet when consumed in moderation, and both types can form part of one. Studies have linked coffee consumption with decreased risk for Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular disease – although Angelone cautions consumers should read labels closely as some bottled cold brews contain more added sugar than is recommended for an ideal diet.