Half and half is an indispensable addition to kitchens, diners and office break rooms across America, where millions of cups of coffee are prepared with it each day. Half and half has become an indispensable component in everyday coffee drinks by brightening up their bitter taste while adding creamy sweetness – not to mention being used as an ingredient in baked goods and soup recipes that require rich textures with sweet flavors! However, for those with lactose intolerance or milk sensitivities it may need an alternative product such as soymilk as its primary ingredients.

Traditional half and half may fit into a healthy diet, yet traditional varieties contain saturated fat (about 2 grams per two-tablespoon serving) as well as cholesterol. But there are dairy-free options such as Organic Valley’s made with grass-fed cows’ milk and nonfat milk; additionally, using half and half in recipes instead of heavy cream may reduce added sugar and fat intake.