which is healthy coffee or tea

Many people enjoy starting the day right by starting with coffee or tea, which are both part of a nutritious diet when consumed moderately and may even offer health benefits according to new research published in BMC Medicine. Previous studies have linked moderate coffee and tea consumption with reduced cognitive decline as well as healthier hearts, making the latest BMC Medicine study all the more encouraging.

It’s important to keep in mind that these findings are based on self-reported data from UK Biobank participants and shouldn’t be generalized across everyone. Furthermore, participants were expected to accurately report their coffee or tea intake – something which may prove challenging.

Both coffee and tea contain antioxidants to fight free radicals that damage cells and contribute to disease, but tea may offer greater anti-inflammatory benefits than coffee. Its amino acid theanine may help lower stress levels while manganese helps strengthen muscle health while providing boosts to brain power and mental clarity.

Coffee may cause jitters and stomach upset in some people, due to its caffeine content which interferes with sleep and leads to anxiety. Most adults can tolerate around 400 mg per day (around four or five 8-ounce cups of coffee); however, individual metabolism varies so much that those sensitive to caffeine might find tea better as it contains less of this stimulant.

If you’re concerned about pesticide usage when growing coffee, opt for organic options. Otherwise, coffee beans tend to contain only minimal residue due to being protected by their plant structure and only exposed to minimal sprays during harvesting.

Coffee has been linked to improved cardiovascular health, decreased dementia and Parkinson’s risk, as well as lower digestive problems risk and protection against certain cancers. Tea can provide similar health benefits.

Tea and coffee can both play an integral part of a healthy diet when prepared with minimal added sugar and fat. To control calories and fat intake, choose low-fat milk or non-dairy alternatives when selecting beverages to drink for tea and coffee consumption.

If you’re uncertain which is best, take into account your tastes and lifestyle needs when selecting either coffee or tea as options for healthy living. Both options can contribute to an ideal diet; choosing between them depends solely on personal taste and health benefits.