why is coffee healthy for you

Are You A Coffee Drinker? If you enjoy drinking coffee, you probably know it can provide energy and clarity of thought. But may have also realized its other potential health benefits, including decreased risk of liver disease according to BMJ research. Furthermore, research indicates coffee’s antimicrobial and blood sugar reducing properties as well as its ability to protect gut microbiomes and lower energy consumption levels.

To fully realize these advantages, coffee should be consumed moderately; one cup per day should generally suffice. If you’re trying to lose weight or improve your health, coffee may also help suppress appetite while giving you extra energy during exercise sessions and in helping burn more calories than ever.

Caffeine is at the core of coffee’s health benefits, stimulating both your central nervous system and metabolism. Caffeine also blocks neurotransmitter inhibitors like Adenosine from being released by your brain thereby improving nerve impulse transmission, memory retention and energy levels.

Coffee contains antioxidants, which help defend against oxidative stress and free radical damage to cells, proteins, and genetic material. Studies have linked moderate coffee intake with decreased risks for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurodegenerative conditions.

Brewing method matters too – hot water used to make coffee has a direct impact on its nutritional value, so finding ways to make your cup without harsh chemicals or artificial sweeteners will have an even bigger impact. Avoid nonfat and low-calorie creamers which contain chemicals as they contain added sugar; organic milk or plant-based alternatives like almonds or oats would be much healthier alternatives.

Add spices like cinnamon for an aromatic boost in your coffee while simultaneously cutting back on sugar intake. Studies have demonstrated its benefits for controlling blood sugar spikes as well as improving cardiovascular health, including helping with weight management and protecting against blood clots.

As far as when to consume coffee is concerned, it is generally accepted as safe to have one in the morning before 2 PM; after this time caffeine may interfere with sleep and contribute to health conditions like heart disease and fatigue. Furthermore, bedtime coffee consumption should be avoided to prevent acid reflux, muscle tremors or disrupt your sleep cycle. If you’re concerned about its effect on your health or you have questions regarding its consumption consult with your physician who can provide more details as to why coffee may be good for you as well as advice on how best to consume this beverage for maximum benefit.