Social media timelines have likely been filled with posts featuring coffee drinks containing mushroom powder. Mushrooms have seen an incredible surge in popularity recently, being added to products ranging from hot cocoa and teas to tonics and even gum for increased immunity and reduced stress levels. But why has mushroom coffee become such an internet trend? And exactly what is it?

Mushroom coffee is made by drying and grinding mushrooms into a fine powder before combining with ground coffee beans, which reduces caffeine content by half in the final beverage. This makes mushroom coffee an ideal solution for those wanting to reduce caffeine consumption but still want the convenience of morning caffeine-fueled beverages.

As with anything, however, one important point should be remembered: there’s no proof that mushroom coffee is more beneficial than regular coffee. While research supports adaptogenic mushrooms’ health benefits for humans, well-designed clinical trials on humans remain lacking and most research conducted was on mushrooms other than those typically found in mushroom coffee blends like reishi or turkey tail varieties.

Mushrooms may provide several health advantages, including improved sleep, decreased inflammation and protection from cell damage; however, they won’t give you the same energy-boosting effects as coffee does. Furthermore, due to potential interactions between mushrooms in mushroom coffee blends and certain medications prescribed to you it’s wise to consult your healthcare provider first before making the switch.

More importantly, excessive mushroom powder consumption may cause gastric upset for those with kidney or digestive conditions, and high oxalates levels in your body — naturally occurring substances found in certain food items — may contribute to kidney stones for those who already have preexisting conditions. Finally, those allergic to mushrooms should avoid consuming them either in food or beverage form because this can result in symptoms like dry mouth, dizziness, and even rashes.

But if you’re considering adding mushroom powder and/or adaptogenic herbs into your diet, they shouldn’t cause any issues – as long as you are not allergic. Just start small and consume consistently as it could take six weeks or longer for any benefits to show up – don’t forget to inform your primary care physician first about any supplements or changes you plan to make!