No matter your thoughts about coffee being good or not for you, it is essential to be aware of how your daily choices impact the environment and those involved in its production. Many of us have become accustomed to non organic, conventional coffee that has been heavily treated with pesticides and other toxic chemicals which have long-term detrimental impacts on both our health as consumers and on farmers and farm workers who produce this beverage.

Due to this overuse of chemicals, soil health becomes depleted and less healthy. Organic farming practices aim to restore harmony by creating an ideal balance in an ecosystem, encouraging nutrient dense soil while sustaining sustainable living for those who depend on this plant for income. Their primary objective is producing high quality crops without using harmful pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers as inputs.

These chemicals have a direct impact on our health and have been linked to issues within the respiratory, neurological, gastrointestinal, dermatological and reproductive systems. Because of this risk it’s essential that whenever possible organic products are chosen – including when selecting our daily coffee cup!

Organic coffee can reduce long-term damage to both you and the environment by eliminating chemicals used in its cultivation – it’s a simple switch with huge potential!

Organic coffee is also produced in ways that are beneficial to the environment. Coffee beans must be grown on land that has not been exposed to any pesticides or other chemicals for at least three years prior, with fields far enough away from conventional farms in order to avoid contamination. Furthermore, shade-grown varieties help conserve natural habitats for birds while protecting the planet as a whole.

Organic coffee is often fair trade certified to ensure the wellbeing of those involved with farming the beans. There have been reports of unfair labor treatment in the coffee industry worldwide; therefore certification provides crucial protection and benefits.

If you’re in search of organic, fair trade, sustainably grown brew that hasn’t been subjected to harmful chemicals, visit The Lincoln Pantry! You’ll find delicious whole bean organic coffee options sure to please any palette – and we are thrilled to support local farmers’ efforts with every cup we sell! Come visit soon – see you soon!