Many are unaware that their conventional coffee can contain harmful chemicals. Conventional crops often contain synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fungicides linked to Parkinson’s disease, heart disease and depression that easily migrate through supply chains to end up in your cup of coffee. Organic coffee offers an organic solution which prioritises both your health and protecting our planet at once.

One reason many choose organic coffee is out of concern for both the environment and others. Organic farmers rely solely on natural fertilizers when growing and processing their products compared with using non-organic alternatives that often utilize toxic pesticides that could potentially enter our bodies through consumption of non-organic coffee products.

Organic farming prioritizes maintaining healthy ecosystems and sustainable methods, minimizing your carbon footprint with each cup of organic coffee you enjoy each morning. In addition, choosing organic coffee helps ensure farmers receive fair treatment – certified farmers receive higher prices for their beans if you purchase organic coffee compared to its non-certified counterpart. Organic coffee often boasts higher antioxidant counts with reduced fat and calories content compared to its traditional counterpart.

However, it should be remembered that not everyone can afford organic coffee due to the certification process. Certification costs can be prohibitively expensive for small farmers in developing nations who may struggle to meet required standards for certification. Still, an increased focus has been put on advocating sustainable and organic farming practices, not only benefitting our planet but also aiding micro-communities that depend on coffee production for income.

Research suggests that organic coffee may actually improve gut health, due to its higher fibre content and lack of harmful chemicals. As your immune system resides in your gut, healthy gut bacteria is crucial in order to preventing illness – conventional agriculture use of herbicides like glyphosate can damage this balance leaving us more susceptible to infections. Organic coffee provides you with natural energy boost while at the same time being good for digestive systems.

If you want to make an impactful statement with your morning cup of java, we highly suggest trying organic coffee! Not only will you be supporting sustainable farming practices while protecting the environment; organic beans also boast richer flavors that may even surpass those found in regular varieties!