Wins Town Slim Green Coffee with Ganoderma is an FDA-registered dietary supplement featuring Garcinia Cambogia, Green Tea Extract, Guarana Extract, Ginseng Extract and Lotus Leaf Extract to suppress appetite, improve immunity and promote anti-fatigue benefits while simultaneously providing L-carnitine to speed up fat burning.

Ganoderma lucidum, commonly referred to as Lingzhi or Reishi, has long been considered an herbal vitality booster and medicinal mushroom described in Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shennong Materia Medica).


Winstown Slim Green Coffee With Ganoderma Is Proven to Increase Metabolism, Energy Levels and Suppress Appetite.

Slim green coffee with Ganoderma is a natural and healthy weight loss product made of high quality herbs produced at an ISO 9001:2008 certified factory. Our slim green coffee contains 100% herbal ingredients such as green coffee bean extract, garcinia cambogia, guarana, ginseng and lotus leaf extract which all promote anti-fatigue, immunity improvement and metabolism enhancement as part of achieving healthful goals. Furthermore, this slim coffee contains L-carnitine which helps control hunger hormone, suppress appetite and lower calorie consumption; accelerate fat burning speedily while blocking absorption effectively.

Feel the pleasure of this delicious drink while meeting your health goals! To maximize effectiveness, it is recommended that 2 sachets be taken each morning with water prior to breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Weight Loss

Wins Town Slim Green Coffee was designed to act as a natural appetite suppressant and aid weight loss by increasing metabolism, increasing energy levels and suppressing hunger. Containing Ganoderma extract as well as herbal extracts known for helping shed unwanted calories safely, this slim green coffee offers healthy solutions for weight reduction.

Our instant green coffee is composed of 100% herbs such as Ganoderma mushroom ginseng extract and Lotus leaf extract that promote anti-fatigue, increased immunity and metabolism to achieve good health. In addition, Garcinia cambogia extract Guarana extract and L-Carnitine control hunger hormones to suppress appetite, lower calorie consumption and burn fat at an accelerated pace – these components also significantly decrease fat synthesis speed up fat burning and block absorption effectively.

So it makes it an excellent weight loss product to help you reach your weight loss goal easily. Just consume two sachets daily with water before breakfast lunch and dinner and achieve effective results from this effective formula containing high quality herbal ingredients processed at an ISO 9001:2008 factory.


Our slim green coffee is packed with 100% natural herbs such as green coffee beans, Ganoderma mushroom extract and Ginseng extract to promote anti-fatigue, boost immunity and metabolism for greater overall health benefits. In addition, Lotus Leaf Extract Garcinia Cambogia Extract L-carnitine are included to control hunger hormone to suppress appetite, lower calorie consumption and fat synthesis rates while speeding up fat burning rates and blocking absorption – just two sachets daily are all that is necessary!

Wins Town Slim green coffee is a delectable instant beverage formulated from unroasted green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, garcinia cambogia, guarana, ginseng root and lotus leaf extract. As a non-drug weight loss aid manufactured in an ISO 9001:2008 factory using quality natural ingredients.


Winstown Slim Green Coffee with Ganoderma contains superfood herbs like mangosteen, guyabano, moringa, Garcinia cambogia, Ginseng and Stevia that offer anti-oxidant and detoxification benefits. Mangosteen provides high levels of Vitamin C to protect against stroke and coronary heart diseases while guyabano bolsters immunity, provides anti-aging properties and boosts immunity; Moringa provides antioxidants which soothe rheumatism as well as intestinal problems; Garcinia cambogia suppresses appetite while speeding fat burning while Stevia offers natural sweetening qualities – perfect combinations!

This 100% natural herbal extract drink works to control appetite and lower calorie consumption to achieve weight loss goals. Furthermore, they help reduce fat synthesis, speed up fat burning, block absorption of fatty acids, enhance metabolism and promote great health – making this an ISO 9001:2008 certified factory product made using only premium and natural ingredients to guarantee its highest quality and suitable for all ages and genders.


Wins Town Slim Green Coffee with Ganoderma is an effective drug-free herbal weight loss formula that suppresses appetite and accelerates fat burning. Comprised of 100% natural herbs such as green coffee bean extract, Garcinia cambogia, Lotus Leaf, Guarana and Ginseng; as well as L-Carnitine which reduces fat synthesis while speeding metabolism to boost metabolism for increased health benefits – Wins Town Slim Green Coffee can effectively control weight!

Our green coffee contains 100% herbal ingredients such as mung bean, Ganoderma mushroom and ginseng to promote anti-fatigue, boost immune metabolism and meet health objectives. In addition, it includes Garcinia Cambodia extract and L-carnitine for hunger hormone control to suppress appetite, lower caloric intake and control weight effectively. Furthermore, our product uses high quality natural ingredients from an ISO 9001:2008 certified factory that allow you to take two sachets daily with water before breakfast, lunch and dinner!