When most people hear the term “Mormon,” their first thoughts likely focus on religion, church and belief system; however, did you know that Mormons also follow a lifestyle code which has an effect on their health and wellbeing? Many may be surprised to discover that Latter-day Saints for instance strictly prohibit drinking coffee due to a religious mandate which mirrors some healthful lifestyle choices.

Dietary restrictions of the Mormon church are grounded in scripture, though their interpretation varies across individuals. According to its Word of Wisdom, Mormons should avoid tobacco products, alcohol consumption and “hot beverages,” which includes coffee and tea alike. Other beverage choices like herbal tea or decaffeinated coffee may be acceptable as long as they don’t contain stimulants like caffeine.

Mormons have traditionally been encouraged to avoid hot beverages like coffee and instead consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and eat moderate amounts of meat, while still following general dietary guidelines such as coffee bans. Although the restrictions might not seem strict enough at first glance, their impact can have lasting ramifications on one’s diet in subtle ways. Therefore it’s essential that before asking “Would Mormons Be Healthier If They Drank Coffee?” you understand their impact on health before answering that question with certainty.

People who do not follow Mormon doctrine can find many alternatives to caffeinated beverages, including non-caffeinated teas, flavored waters and even chocolate. Many non-Mormons may not know this fact, but Mormons frequently choose non-caffeinated teas and waters over coffee in public settings like work and social events.

Mormon diets tend to be very nutritious. Their commitment to good health often makes an impressionful statement about Mormon religion – aside from prohibiting smoking and alcohol consumption, the church encourages its members to exercise regularly, form healthy relationships, eat a well-rounded diet and cultivate strong family life bonds.

UCLA research indicates that Mormon lifestyle contributes significantly to its members’ high levels of health and longevity. Their research revealed that middle-aged Mormon high priests who followed three lifestyle practices (never smoking cigarettes, regular physical activity and enough restful sleep) experienced significantly lower standardized Mortality Ratios than national average for U.S. whites.

Researchers utilized data from a survey of 9,844 Mormon high priests and their wives. Their SMRs for all causes of death and cardiovascular disease were significantly lower than average for their respective populations.

Word of Wisdom isn’t required for membership, but those wishing to hold temple recommends must meet with church authorities and follow it. Noncompliance could even result in having your pass revoked – something which would prevent you from attending weddings or LDS events of note as well as receiving blessings in temples of the church.