Organo Gold coffee stands out from the pack by using Ganoderma lucidum for an incomparably satisfying taste that leaves you feeling great all day long. It will leave a delicious impression.

Organo Coffee Products have several products containing Reishi spores; King Coffee stands out as their star product with the most magical spores.

Product Description

The Amazon Organo Gold Latte is an innovative coffee product. Formulated using Ganoderma Lucidum mushrooms renowned in Asian medicine for their therapeutic benefits, this amazing coffee product not only tastes delectable but will leave you feeling energized throughout your day!

This coffee is created from a carefully blended selection of arabica and robusta beans combined with organic Ganoderma for an indulgent yet creamy experience that will kickstart any day off right.

At its heart lies gluten-free coffee – meaning you can enjoy it guilt free. Furthermore, its vegan ingredients provide another positive feature to consider for anyone searching for healthier alternatives to regular coffee consumption. Furthermore, fair trade ingredients make this option especially desirable!


Gourmet lattes combine coffee and chocolate into an indulgent yet guilt-free dessert, adding health benefits with organic Ganoderma infusion. Perfect for breakfast, midday energy boost or post dinner snack!

Amazon Organo Gold coffee is an extraordinary combination of premium Arabica and Robusta beans combined with Ganoderma. This combination creates an irresistibly dark flavorful coffee, perfect for enjoying with each sip! Reishi mushroom (commonly referred to as red reishi mushroom) has many health benefits that include improving immunity function, encouraging restful sleep and refreshing the skin.

Amazon Organo Gold Cafe Latte boasts an exquisitely smooth taste that can be enjoyed any time of the day, anytime of year. Packed with powerful herbs such as ginseng and Eurycoma lodifolia jack – two powerful medicinal plants known for their health benefits – this coffee is sold through independent distributors worldwide as well as various online channels, plus capsules and creamers are also offered as add-on products.

Nutritional Info

Are You A Coffee Lover Looking to Switch to Organo Gold Gourmet Black Coffee for a Healthier Alternative? Organo Gold Gourmet Black Coffee is made with premium Arabica beans and 100% certified Ganoderma Lucidum red mushroom extract, providing you with a tasty yet nutritious beverage to indulge your senses with. Experience its rich aroma when freshly-brewed coffee comes alive again in your cup!

It’s an impressively tasty drink that is both healthy and enjoyable. Arabica coffee’s dark, velvety flavour pairs beautifully with cocoa powder and ganoderma for an exquisite beverage treat to be enjoyed any time of day!

Amazon Organo Gold Latte features organic ingredients carefully combined to make an exceptional health beverage. Infused with Ganoderma Lucidum mushrooms – long used in traditional medicine for more than four millennia – which provide many health and nutritional benefits, making this beverage truly remarkable.

This product’s ingredients are organic and gluten-free, as well as low in fat and sugar content – perfect for people with special dietary requirements and those looking to improve their health while increasing energy levels. A must-have item!

Final Words

Organo Gold is a revolutionary coffee movement and powerful business opportunity. Combining gourmet coffee with the power of Ganoderma Lucidum herb to craft products that improve global health and wealth. We put people first; whether you seek improved health, more time freedom or greater balance we are here to support you on your journey.

Mocha flavor of our Gourmet Cafe Latte offers an indulgent treat without guilt – not to mention all of its amazing health benefits thanks to 100% certified Ganoderma Spore Powder Extract!