Many people enjoy using Keurig coffee makers, but what are they doing to their health? Are they placing undue strain on their wallets and contributing to wasteful plastic pollution, potentially jeopardizing their own wellbeing?

Single-serve coffee makers are amazing devices: you can enjoy delicious coffee without worrying about measuring water and grounds or waiting for the kettle to boil. Furthermore, these machines are user friendly: just pop in a pod and push start! No further instructions necessary!

However, these machines may not be the best way to care for your health. First off, they do not produce the same delicious flavors of freshly brewed joe. Furthermore, many K-Cups made of plastic have been linked with higher levels of estrogen-disrupting chemicals which could irritate your gut further.

Are You Doing Everything Possible to Reduce Environmental Impact with Keurig Coffee Maker?? Are You Utilizing Reusable Pods, For Example? And How Often Are You Cleaning Out the Machine? Without proper maintenance, bacteria and mold could grow inside and make coffee taste bad or cause illness in you or someone else! If not taken care of regularly, bacteria and mold could make its way into the machine and affect its performance and eventually make you sick!

As part of this maintenance plan, regularly wipe down the brewing unit, water reservoir and lid with damp cloth and dish soap for best results. In addition, do a deep clean every three to six months as part of descaling your machine.

If you want to reduce waste and become more environmentally-friendly, search for a Keurig model that recycles its pods and produces its own reusable pods. Or alternatively purchase an empty reusable pod and fill it with ground coffee beans from yourself – both will reduce how much trash is produced from your coffee making activities.

An alternative solution would be purchasing a machine made of recycled plastic such as the K-Elite, which also comes equipped with BPA-free components and has an easily manageable setup process and 75 ounce reservoir capable of accommodating several cups at a time.

Keurig K-Elite is an outstanding machine, but we also recommend the less-complicated Keurig Classic as an economical and straightforward option for those who simply require basic functionality. It comes equipped with various cup sizes and allows brewing over ice, among other features.

If you’re on the go often, this model might be ideal: it allows for up to four hours of continuous coffee brewing before it shuts off, at an affordable price point. Unfortunately, however, it lacks a removable water reservoir, which may make supplying coffee for several people more cumbersome; but otherwise features clear LCD display and simple controls as well as set preheat mode which reduces energy use while away; plus comes with free sample pods!