can you put mushroom tea in the fridge

Mushroom tea may seem like an innovative new development, but its history goes back centuries or millennia. Mushroom tea can be made simply by steeping whole functional mushrooms with hot water in either black or green tea leaves for about 15 minutes – this ancient practice is both delicious and potency, offering immune support, anti-aging properties and gut health benefits that have long been revered as time-honored traditions.

Make mushroom tea easily by steeping mushrooms or mushroom powder in hot water, but there are also many ready-made varieties you can purchase that come complete with pre-mixed ingredients that only require adding hot water – these make mushroom powder mixes such as the ones from Cheerful Buddha particularly easy! Just mix with hot water and enjoy!

Mushroom tea’s taste depends on which species or blend you use; cordyceps tends to provide more earthiness with grounding qualities while others like lion’s mane may subtly stimulate you. Lemon juice may add an additional refreshing dimension that many find enjoyable.

Since mushroom tea should ideally be enjoyed as soon as it has been prepared, refrigerating can extend its shelf life for up to several days if necessary. Refrigeration helps preserve psilocybin compounds which would otherwise degrade over time when exposed to air or light; for optimal enjoyment and effectiveness it should be consumed within days after creating it.

How quickly you experience the effects of psilocybin mushroom tea can depend on how fast and frequently you drink it, along with water temperature and dose strength. Typically, stronger doses lead to quicker onset and peak times; however, even strong cups can have milder side effects when sip slowly over 20-30 minutes or so.

Mushroom tea can help improve your mood, boost immunity and support digestion; but some varieties – Reishi and Chaga being particular effective at supporting a restful night’s rest – also aid sleep. Reishi and Chaga specifically are known for relaxing muscles and supporting healthy sleeping cycles.

Are You Thinking About Swapping Coffee or Evening Tea for Mushroom Tea? Many varieties contain significantly less caffeine than typical black or green tea, making this beverage an excellent way to cut back while staying upbeat and energetic during the day or relaxing before bed.